Monday, August 22, 2011

Below is the link to Joel Rosenberg's blog on an entry he wrote, Feb of this
year about Libya and the Bible references to Libya. Take the time over the
next several days read your bible as History is being made &
Biblical Prophecy is being fulfilled before your very eyes. See what God
had to say about the times we are living out.

Below is an excellent source for your reading pleasure. But don't take
Joel's word for it. Read God's word yourself. Check him out against the
light of God's word.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
As you prepare and pray this week and read, I encourage you to not only
review Revelation 16 but take a look at some passages in Exodus. Take a
look at Exodus 7 - 12:32 and you might notice something sort of interesting
and how it compares to what we have been studying and continue to study in
Revelation this week. I will not tip it off, but just read both if you have
time. It should make for interesting discussion this week.

Also, we are closing in on the last few weeks of our Revelation Study. (7
chapters left) There have been bumps along the way but consider those
growing pains. We have done our best to provide a good forum to discuss one
of the most controversial books of the bible. We trust you have learned
more than you knew before, maybe asked yourself a question or two and
revived your desire to know God's Word more and therefor KNOW God more.
Thank you for continuing to participate, and let's "finish the drill"

Lee Daniel
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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

harryldanieliii has shared a video with you on YouTube:
Something strikes me... I am as Pro Life as it gets and cudos for Anne Dust taking a stand, but take the issue of taking a life out of the picture (which is unbelievable to even thing about), hyper-pro-choice people have to be the most anti-choice people in the world... unless of course you agree with their agenda, then.... well you get the point.

Anne Marie Dust

In late 2010, Anne Marie Dust began the application process to Vanderbilt University's nurse residency program.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Put safety in your hands using the FBI's new Child ID application for your
mobile phone.