Tina Cooper is asking for everyone to pray for her grandfather, Buck Fowler. He fell early this morning and broke his hip. He is at Cartersville Medical awaiting surgery. Not sure his health will allow a successful surgery.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
This weeks lesson and text... Hosea 4 - Please read the entire chapter. This is a very important Lesson series. Spend time in the word this week.
We should turn from attitudes and behavior that hurt us and displease God. The question is why many of us don't. The following article is a summary about a pro football coach's no-nonsense approach to discipline. Jeff Fisher is former coach of the Tennessee Titans and current coach of the St Louis Rams. Last week there was "controversy" in St Louis for Coach Fishers benching of 2 key players on the team. See the summary below and 3 questions that will provide a good segway into our lesson Sunday.
When you treat professional athletes like grown men, there's an expectation for them to actually behave like adults. That's always been Jeff Fisher's way of doing business as a football coach.
As a former player, he understands what rules make sense and which ones are just plain stupid. It's one of the reasons the causes of Sunday's benching of Janoris Jenkins and Chris Givens go well beyond disappointing and race all the way to just plain stupid. We still don't know for sure what the two talented rookies did to get into Fisher's doghouse, but trust me on this, it wasn't for something trivial.
"I think you have to look at each individual and set of circumstances and what the issues were," Fisher told me last spring during rookie minicamp.
You give them clear rules that make sense. You surround them with strong-willed leaders in the locker room and you surround them with smart people outside the locker room who will help teach them how to make better decisions with their lives than they did in the past.
The world is full of guys like Jenkins and Givens. In high school and college I played with a few of them and watched their self-destructive behavior get the best of them. Professionally, I've covered the lives of so many gifted young men who had all the talent in the world, but for some reason allowed demons and bad choices to derail their lives. I don't know if that's what's happening here with Jenkins and Givens, but I do know that every one of those tragic stories I witnessed in the past started out just like this.
The craziest thing is, the Rams have provided all their players with all the proper support systems you can imagine to ensure they don't run into trouble. But all the support systems in the world won't help if the athlete doesn't want to be helped.
A young player who continues to make knuckleheaded mistakes can find himself on a startling free fall from promising starter to benched trouble maker to unemployed in a hurry in pro football. On Sunday, the Rams moved on without Jenkins and Givens without skipping a beat.
That's how quickly things move in pro football. One man's misfortune is another's opportunity, and let's hope that Jenkins and Givens don't have to learn that lesson the hard way.
Please consider these 3 questions as we move toward Sundays lesson.
- Why do you think some people persist in destructive behavior even when they know and have experienced severe consequences for their actions?
- How does Coach Fisher's approach help us understand that God does not give us rules to deny us freedom or pleasure, but for our own good?
- The writer observed that "all the support systems in the world won't help if the athlete doesn't want to be helped." How does this apply to discipleship and our Christian obedience?
Lee Daniel, CIC, CPIA
Harry Daniel Insurance
770-382-8954 ext 100
770-386-4081 fax

Monday, November 26, 2012
Exposing a Broken Relationship Hosea 1:1-2; 2:2-5; 3:1-5
Remember to pray for one another this week.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Fwd: Class text to study this week.
Please read 2 Peter 2 and Jude. Also if you have time go to youtube look for info on Jonestown. Warning it may be graphic.
God bless
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Suffering... the topic we have all be studying lately in SS

As Christians, we need to understand three biblical truths about suffering.
1. Suffering is the result of the curse of death on our sin.
Most of the objections raised against God about suffering are built on the assumption that humanity is owed good things and that God is unjust for not giving them to us. That's why we talk about the "problem of evil." Why do bad things happen to us good, innocent people?
The Bible takes an entirely opposite approach. It tells us God created this world without suffering, in a perfect condition called "shalom." But we all voluntarily rebelled against him, and the just result of that rebellion is the curse of death.
What we truly deserve is death. The fact that there is still good in the world—sunshine on our faces and food in our stomachs—that's all grace. And the fact that God has given us a space to repent is unspeakable grace. The Bible doesn't wrestle with the problem of evil so much as it marvels at amazing grace.
As sinners, to put God on trial for our suffering as if he was unjust is twisted form of "chutzpah." "Chutzpah" is the audacity of a man who kills his mom and dad ... and then throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan! We should not ask, "Why is all this bad stuff happening in the world?" We are the reason why. The question is not, "Why me?" but, "Why not me?"
Now, this does not mean individual instances of suffering are the result of specific sins. He got cancer because he was a bad husband or, She had a miscarriage because she cheated on her taxes. That is not how the Bible tells us to think about our suffering. As a race, humanity lives in a world of suffering because we rebelled against God, and that suffering affects us all.
2. God, in his love and mercy, has reversed the curse by suffering it in our place.
The only truly innocent sufferer in history was Jesus. He lived entirely free from rebellion and should have been exempt from the curse of death. But when he got to the end of his life, instead of being rewarded, he submitted to the curse of death voluntarily. When he did that, he overturned the entire curse and started the process of healing.
That healing begins by cancelling our sin debt. Jesus nailed our sin to the cross and reconciled us to God. That healing dramatically affects our inward psychological state. One day that healing will extend to our bodies in full when we are resurrected perfect and without pain. And Jesus' healing will eventually extend to all corners of our world, as God re-establishes shalom to the earth through the blood of the cross.
3. For Christians, God now uses our suffering redemptively—for his glory and our good.
God uses our suffering (1) for his glory, because there are some things God can demonstrate to the world about himself through our pain better than he can any other way. And he uses it (2) for our good, because there are some things God can best teach us about himself through our pain.
A lot of people balk at this point. "All pain for God's glory and our good? What about the Holocaust? What about 9/11?" But this ignores the first point, that suffering is the just result of the curse of death. We live in a world under the curse of sin, and just like the sun comes up and "randomly" shines on both good and bad people, the curse of death often "indiscriminately" affects us all.
Does that mean God is not sovereign over all of it? No, God is still sovereign, but we have to expand our understanding of sovereignty. If 100 people are standing in a field when the sun rises, all of them are warmed. God typically doesn't shine the sun on a few individuals and leave others out. In the same way, the curse of death is at work in the world—which causes disease, deteriorating relationships, accidents—and it extends to all, often affecting people irrespective of their relative "worthiness." And again, because of principle #1, there are none who can accuse God of injustice in this. The human race, because of its rebellion, is under the rightful curse of death.
Furthermore, in saying that "God uses our suffering redemptively, for his glory and our good," I am not saying every single bad act on earth leads to a corresponding good act, as if every Jewish family that suffered in the Holocaust can say, "See the good that came into my family through that?" The system as a whole serves the bigger picture of God's glory, but we cannot always see how in each specific instance.
For the believer, however, God has promised to use all of our suffering for our good and for his glory. He has taken the sting out of death and suffering and promised to use it all now for his glory and the good of our church. So in every seemingly "random" bad thing, believers can know God is working redemptively for his purposes. This is why Paul can say "all things work together for good to them that love God" (Rom. 8:28) and "God works all things according to the counsel of his will" so we would "resound to the praise of his glory" (Eph. 1:11). This is why Joseph could say to those who committed grave injustices against him that "what you meant for evil, God re-purposed for good" (Gen. 50:20).
By J.D. Greear, Ph.D., pastors the Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, NC. Tagged by Outreach magazine as one of the fastest growing churches in America, the Summit has grown in the past 8 years from 400 to over 5,000 each weekend. The Summit Church is deeply involved in global church planting, having undertaken the mission to plant 1000 churches in the next 40 years. J.D. has authored Breaking the Islam Code and the upcoming Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Test all things
http://bible.us/1Thess5.20.HCSB 20 Don't despise prophecies, 21 but test all things. Hold on to what is good.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
‘Modern-day Nostradamus’ warns U.S. of doom
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Forward to your ladies at Church
To all ladies in our class
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Neil Brown" <Neil.Brown@fbcw.net>
Date: Jun 13, 2012 8:04 PM
Subject: Please Forward to your Women's Ministry!
To: <harryldanieliii@yahoo.com>
Dear Friends:
Have you informed your Women's Ministry of our September 8, 2012 Kay Arthur Conference here at FBCW? Please do so ASAP and point them to: http://www.fbcwwomensconference.com .
Also, please note that you may still get an Early Bird Discount on tickets purchased before July 2, 2012. Please take advantage of that price break! Kay will personally be teaching four Keynote Sessions. September 8 will be an action packed day!
Neil E. Brown
Minister of Pastoral Care
First Baptist Church Woodstock
Twitter: http://twitter.com/NeilEdwardBrown
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neilebrown1
Kay Arthur Women's Conference: September 8, 2012
Women's Conference Tickets: http://www.fbcwwomensconference.com
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First Baptist Church Woodstock | 11905 Highway 92 | Woodstock, GA 30188
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Friday, June 8, 2012
Fwd: Live Intentionally (intouch.org)
Lee Daniel, CIC, CPIA
Harry Daniel Insurance
770-382-8954 ext 100
770-386-4081 fax

![]() | Latest tweet: Romney promises a policy role - Mitt Romney promised members of the nation's small business lobby on Wednesday that,... http://t.co/GSJww9Es |

Tuesday, June 5, 2012
First Official Prayer Request SPLASH Bartow
I know your hearts are ready to "pray without ceasing" for our 2012 SPLASH
program. Our first official prayer requests are as follows:
1) Protection over Students, Adult Volunteers, SPLASH Recipients &
SPLASH Bartow.
2) We need more Adult Volunteers.
3) We need Project Sites.
4) We have students with medical needs.
5) Our Leadership Team (this team plan & implenent SPLASH).
"And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive." Matthew
In Christ,
Sue Harris
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Stop pay on your check
If you wrote a check Sunday please stop payment on it. Our church wad burglarized last night. More details will follow. We can't send out a phone message yet as everything is a crime scene still.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Urgent Prayer Request
From: Donna Evans <DEvans@pyagatesmoore.com>
Date: Mon, May 14, 2012 at 10:42 AM
Subject: Prayer Request
To: "Lee Daniel (harryldanieliii@gmail.com)" <harryldanieliii@gmail.com>
Can you please email this to our Sunday School Class for prayers…… we were at a soccer tournament with Jordan this past weekend with her Clash Soccer team and the goalie from the boys team is now in the hospital … see details below.
From: Greg Roper [mailto:wgroper@gmail.com]
Sent: 05/14/2012 10:26 AM
To: Donna Evans
Yes, Cade Roberts was injured in the second half of their 11am game. I didn't hear about it until about 8pm last night. He was cleated in the stomach, but they thought he was okay. On the way home he started getting sick in the car, so they took him to the hospital and found out he had some internal injuries and was bleeding. He's stable now, but still at Scottish Rite. I think his kidneys were joined together at birth and have a single blood supply, which has possibly made him more susceptible to the injury. I think one of them was ruptured which was the source of the bleeding, but I'm getting bits and pieces from several source so I'm not 100% sure at this point.
I got a text from his dad late last night saying he had come out of the first surgery and vitals were good. The anticipate at least one more surgery, maybe two.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Fw: Please vote for the Rule Family to receive a new A/C unit!
From: Regina Daniel <rldanielusa@yahoo.com>
Date: May 2, 2012 1:04 PM
Subject: Please vote for the Rule Family to receive a new A/C unit!
To: Lee Daniel <harryldanieliii@gmail.com>
Please vote for the Rule Family to get a new A/C unit. With all they are going through right now, let's show them our love by helping them get this new A/C unit. All you need is an email address or facebook. Thanks much! http://rewards.thefishatlanta.com/Contest/x5kyqp/UGC/Gallery |
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Fwd: Lord have mercy on me My Mom
From: "Beth Hendrix" <bhendrix@hdins.com>
Date: May 1, 2012 3:57 PM
Subject: Lord have mercy on me My Mom
To: "Bobby Simms" <bsimms@hdins.com>, "Crystal Levey" <clevey@hdins.com>, "Cliff Fortenberry" <cfortenberry@hdins.com>, "Jeff Osborn" <josborn@hdins.com>, "Larry Philliber" <larryp@hdins.com>, "laura shrewsbury" <lauras@hdins.com>, "Lee Daniel" <ldaniel@hdins.com>, <mary@hdins.com>, "Meg Stover" <mstover@hdins.com>, "Richard Daniel" <rdaniel@hdins.com>, "Regina Daniel" <rldanielusa@yahoo.com>, "Yami Martinez" <yami@hdins.com>
I just wanted to update you guys on my mom. She is doing much better. She is eating and drinking 3 meals a day and sometimes snacks. She is still weak but now getting up and sitting in a recliner some during the day. The past 3 days she has gotten up and walked and yesterday we walked out on the porch at the home and sat for about 10 minutes. She seems to be improving daily and Lord have mercy, we know she is better because she has become very feisty. She wants to go home.
The bed is uncomfortable, which I said to her, then maybe it is time you get out of the bed, she did not like that comment very well. The food is not good, the TV does not work correctly. She ask me last night if I thought they would let her bring her California King bed there!?!?! And the latest, my sister phoned me after lunch and said mom would not have it any other way until they brought her a cot into her room, which she thinks she is sleeping on tonight!!!! I told my sister she wasn't and she said I will let you tell her but don't tell her until you get there today!! I am going to get her a memory foam pad to put on her bed to see if that helps. The problem is, she keeps sliding down in the bed, which you know how hospital beds are, and her feet are touching the bottom of the bed and she does not like that.
I am not complaining about her complaining, I am glad she is feeling better, but I think I need your prayers for patience to deal with the situation more than ever now!! I really think it is funny if you stop and think about it!!
Thanks again for all your prayers and encouragement.
ANother coup in Mali: Coup Coup
From: Judy <jhpuckett55@yahoo.com> |
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Mali update
I've been getting a few scattered emails all along but no definite news. The southern part of Mali has been quiet lately but they will not accept that the whole northern part has been taken over by Radical Islamist who have drawn a new border and given that part a new name Azawad and put it under Sharia Law. So Civil War is likely.All the missionaries who left Mali several weeks ago have been given an open door to return. Each one will make the decision for himself/herself and their families. It is not completely clear about the safety, and for sure, if war begins, they will have to leave again. A few are returning tomorrow. The ones with small children are not going back until a more stable situation is there. One is coming back to the States but she was due to leave for Stateside in May anyway. One is waiting for a medical test to be done and will decide whether to return based on the test results.I so pray that the Work there will be continued. I believe that God has worked even through all this to glorify His Name and to open doors for some Malians to learn of Jesus who would never have heard otherwise.Every email I get fron there has "thank you's" to all who have been praying. I know they would love for you to continue praying.JUDY"Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and majesty; For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all." I Chronicles 29:11
Monday, April 23, 2012
Calvinism vs. Arminianism: Has there been enough said? | View from the Back Pew
Sometimes I believe that people are more interested in arguing over Calvinism vs. Arminianism than sharing Jesus. In his book, Southern Baptist Thought Since 1845: Has Our Theology Changed, Paul Basden writes about our history of theology, saying that predestination is that doctrine that relates God’s purpose to the human hope of salvation. The relation may be seen as absolute or relative, eternal or temporal, conditional or unconditional. It concerns the mystery of God’s grace, the certainty of human sin, and the promise of salvation. Moreover, it concerns not only God’s will and power, but also human freedom and responsibility.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Christianity the Only Means of... (christianpost.com)
Christianity the Only Means of Eternal Life? Some Pastors Disagree
Sent from Zite personalized magazine webOS app.
Available for free in the App Catalog
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Pray for Casey and Max - newly married, both in Army, deployed separately, marriage struggles, possible divorce
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Mail Update, please pray fervently today - God is at work, but things are horrible now
The news is now getting out about horrible things happening in the northern part of Mali. Please don't just read this and NOT pray. Do you believe that God is powerful and hears our prayers? Then PRAY."The coup leaders in Bamako are still holding onto power in Bamako and because of that the regional economic organization (ECOWAS) has put sanctions in place, trying to push the junta to move more quickly in turning control over to a transitional team until elections can be held.
The sanctions are causing widespread chaos as fuel runs out and cash is not available because the banks cannot get money due to the sanctions (they share a currency with a number of Francophone nations).
While chaos has continued in the south, the northern Tuareg rebels (MNLA) and other factions, including those related to AQIM, have continued to move southward, capturing Gao, Kidal and the ancient city of Timbuktu. Reportedly, these secular rebels are 'happy" with that, but an additional rebel group fighting alongside them has put sharia law in place at each place it has conquered.
PRAY NOW for believes in each of these towns PRAY for a pastor and his family hiding from rebels in Gao. Much damage has been done to a Christian school, government buildings, the main hospital and more. ALL people there (Muslims included) are fearful and hiding! PRAY that hte vehicle which has been hired to help evacuate believers from Gao can make it to the area and get them. In a nearby, smaller city/big village, young girls were raped by the rebels and forced to 'marry' the rebels. The rebels are pushing further south, with reports of people fleeing Mopti and Sevare.
Please pray for the march southward to STOP by God's incredible and miraculous power!!
FYI, most missionaries are not in the country now, but we have a few close friends who are with Bible translation work and related organizations that are still in Bamako. Pray"JUDY"Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and majesty; For all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all." I Chronicles 29:11
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Update on Doug
Just got word Doug is being taken to Redmond for test and he is sitting up and joking around in the ambulance. Good news so far.
Pastor Doug Harris. Please pray.
Just got word pastor Doug is on the way in an ambulance to the hospital with a possible heart attack. Please pray.