To Our Class Members:
Entertainment in our culture has been a real active topic in our Sunday School Class lately. As you all know we have had much discussion surrounding various movies that have been hitting the big screen of late that seem to have an appeal to a Christian Faith Based audience....
Entertainment in our culture has been a real active topic in our Sunday School Class lately. As you all know we have had much discussion surrounding various movies that have been hitting the big screen of late that seem to have an appeal to a Christian Faith Based audience....
- Son of God
- Noah
- God's Not Dead
- Heaven is For Real
- Mom's Night Out
- Noah - We have all discussed the Noah movie to a point that I think we all get it. It was blatant blasphemy of God and His word. Enough said on that point.
- Son of God - was a solid movie with some "artistic" liberties, but overall a good film to see and safe for your family.
- God's Not Dead - is probably one of the best theological Faith Based movies of our time. If you have not seen it, treat yourself to a solid Christian Faith Based movie. Better yet, take someone that is not a Christian with you to see it.
- Mom's Night Out - Regina and I were blessed to be able to see the private screening with Bill and April, and Matt and Amie. I hope and pray you all get a chance to see this movie. (It is not just a chick flick either) Lot's of laughs and touching moments and a very real Gospel Message at the same time toward the end.
- That leads us to - Heaven is for Real..... I have not seen the movie but had a friend give me the book. If the movie is anything like the book, (and it should be), there is a very real threat to the Biblical message of Heaven and God being portrayed. It is very subtle which makes it much more dangerous than probably the Noah movie.
I have included 2 links below that come from solid sources also. John MacArthur, Grace to You, ministry and a YouTube of David Platt on this topic. I think you will be shocked at what you see in the blog from GTY and the YouTube. Finally I have a 3rd link from a blog that did a very good job, (much better than I could do) to divide what was in the book (possibly the movie also) against the Word of God. Please take the time to read this blog if for nothing else to sharpen your skills on recognizing "false spirituality, new age-ish influence and subtle occult influences"
In all things pray for discernment and wisdom. Satan is working so hard to confuse us. Subtlety and portraying things a good when in fact it is evil is a major weapon.