I gave you $1000 Sunday and you had to spend it that day, what would you buy or do with it?
Money...... You can't live without it, but yet do we really understand God's principles toward it and how we are supposed to live with it?
See quote below from Dave Ramsey:
The Love of Money, Not Money, Is the Root of All Evil
As a Christian, I am amazed how certain political and religious groups have decided that wealth is evil. Many of the heroes of biblical faith, of world history, and of our nation were very wealthy, including Kind David, Solomon, Job, and most of our Founding Fathers. There is a negative mind-set justifying money mediocrity that is maddening. Wealth is not evil, and people who possess it aren’t evil by virtue of the wealth. There are rich jerks and poor jerks. Dallas Willard, in his book Spirit of the Disciplines, says to use riches is to cause them to be consumed, to trust in riches is to count upon them for things they cannot provide, but to possess riches is to have the right to say how they will or will not be used.
If you are a good person, it is your spiritual duty to possess riches for the good of mankind. If you are a Christian like me, it is your spiritual duty to possess riches so that you can do with them things that bring glory to God.
Source: Dave Ramsey, The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness, (Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2003), 221.
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