Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Lesson: Philip: The Man Who Loved to Tell Others about Jesus
Lesson Info: Click here - Your Insights for May 31
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Josiah now in the arms of Jesus

At 12:22 AM on Wednesday morning, Josiah Lee was embraced by his best
Friend. Ten days ago he fell asleep in Disney World and this morning he
woke up in heaven. It doesn't get much better than that for a four-year-old
kid. Fifty-five days ago Josiah's journey began. His short life recently
touched thousands and some of us were privileged to bask in the warmth of
his light for almost five years. Looking out from the balcony of our room
in the Disney resort over the splendor of the Magic Kingdom, Suzie
commented that the whole Disney trip seemed almost surreal. Last night as
Suzie and I were reminiscing about little Josiah I realized our life has
been surreal. Josiah lived a "Make A Wish" childhood. One day soon we'll
get our wish trip when we're reunited with our little blonde haired, blue
eyed boy - 'Siah, my Siah'.
"For we would not, brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to
us... that we were pressed out of measure, above strength, insomuch that we
despaired even of life: But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that
we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead: Who
delivered us from so great a death, and doth deliver: in whom we trust that
he will yet deliver us." (2 Corinthians 1:8-10)
Please continue to pray for the Herring Family.
Monday, May 18, 2009
A final Update Josiah from his dad - continue to lift them up to Our Lord.....

This is the latest update on Josiah. I want to thank all who have taken time to pray for him and his family. I know God is in control of this situation and only he can provide peace in our lives. Jason and his family have been remarkably strong in this situation, this can only come from a daily walk with God. Thanks again for your prayers and concern.---Larry
At 3:00 AM on Friday morning the team from Air Ambulance arrived to transport Josiah Lee from Arnold Palmer Children's Hospital in Orlando, Florida to St. Lukes in Boise, Idaho. Suzie went along with Josiah because the airplane could only accommodate one family member. Little Jason and I followed along on a commercial flight that arrived in Boise only a couple of hours after Suzie and Josiah. Our time at Disney on Josiah's Make A Wish trip was wonderful, but it is good to be back at "the happiest place on earth" - home.
Suzie and I met with the doctors yesterday afternoon after they examined Josiah and ran another CT scan. The doctors told us that Josiah is in a deep coma, and there is no chance of him waking up again. There has been massive hemorrhaging in Josiah's thalamus. The bleeding within the tumor and around the tumor has doubled the size of the affected area in his brain. With both thalami severely damaged, the 'brain within his brain' has all but been destroyed.
We have been encouraged by movement, response to touch, and a flicker of the eyelids during the last few days. However, this activity is because the lower part of Josiah's brainstem in unaffected. The upper part of his brainstem, wherein lies the "soul" or conscious part of man, is damaged beyond repair.
These rapidly growing tumors need a tremendous blood supply to in order to keep growing. But the rapid growth rate means that the blood vessels being formed to supply the tumor are very weak and susceptible to rupture. The oncologist compared it to a hastily constructed refugee camp versus a well-organized and structured city.
If we had started radiation immediately after Josiah's diagnosis, this incident could have happened sooner because radiation can sometimes aggravate the tumor and make it even more angry. The doctors informed us that it is very unlikely that radiation could have prevented this from happening.
I do not believe God caused this tumor, but I do believe that with all the thousands of prayers and fastings God is certainly at this point in complete control of Josiah's situation. We felt a tremendous peace about following the doctors advice and going on our trip to Florida before treatment began. Is it a coincidence that Josiah lapsed into a coma on the last day of our trip and only a few days before treatment would begin? We asked believing in faith that God would give us a miracle and perhaps God in His infinite goodness has given us mercy.
Unless there are any significant changes, I will not be posting anymore updates except for my reflections of the last month with Josiah. We want to preserve the dignity of our son and honor him in such a way that brings honor to our Saviour.
To the army of prayer warriors that have interceded on behalf our precious child, I am deeply humbled and grateful for the time spent in prayer for my son. Fifty-one days ago our world came to screeching halt while the world for everyone else continued to revolve. And yet so many thousands have allowed their world to come to a frequent stop that they might pray, fast, and weep for little Josiah Lee. This has meant more to me than I can ever express.
I have not stopped praying for a miracle. Our compounded problems have not made it more difficult for God to heal Josiah. He can heal with as much ease today as He could have a month ago. But I must also recognize that this could be God's answer to our prayer. On Monday morning Josiah went into a deep sleep. In a tremendous way Josiah is already 'asleep in Jesus'. How my heart and soul longs for the day when we live together with Him!
"Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection." (Hebrews 11:35)
Standing atop Mount Moriah, I am still facing a sacrifice that I do not want to make. I look to the thicket, and it is empty.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
5/6/2009 update on our Missionaries in West Africa - Continue to Pray
Good Morning!
I spoke with Mark's father at length late yesterday (Mark and Parker
Phillips--the missionaries in Ayorou, Niger, we are praying for). The
situation is not much changed. The only good news is that the angry mob
at the "jail" went home and have not as yet re-assembled.
Having been to Ayorou twice in less than a year, I know that this is
a peaceful town of friendly people, but also I know that due to the
nature of this being an Islamic/Animist stronghold that has only in the
last year had its first Christian convert, that, in the snap of a
finger, the whole nature of the town could change to one of anger and
violence against Christians.
Here are specific concerns:
--Ela is still missing and feared killed for witnessing boldly. The
hope still remains that he will just show up, having gone somewhere, but
this is unlikely since he has been gone 4 weeks now.
--The anger over the murder of Hamsatou's brother could escalate to
anger against all Christians since the murderer had recently claimed to
be a convert to Christianity from Islam.
--At present, authorities (village chiefs) are saying there is no
connection between the disappearance of Ela and the recent murder, but
this is not for sure. Both incidents could be actions against Christians
or people who are close to Mark and Parker.
--Mark and Parker are having to explain to all those they have been
diligently witnessing to
how someone who claims to be Christian could commit murder.
--Pray that in all this that somehow God's Name will be glorified.
--Pray for the protection of Mark and Parker and their one-year old
daughter Isabelle.
--Pray for the safety of the other Christians, which in a town of about
18,000 number less than two dozen, all recent converts.
--Pray especially for Ibrahim who was led to Christ by Ela (missing) and
who is boldly witnessing to others, even now.
--Pray, with hope, that Ela will show up, unharmed, and continue to be a
bold witness for Christ.
--Pray that these incidents will not deter the the interest in hearing
about Jesus that has recently been seen in the town, but that even more
people will yearn to hear the Gospel.
--Pray that Mark and Parker will be able to stay in the town, as they
desire, to continue the work there.They have chosen to stay in the town,
and as yet the threat level has not been high enough for the IMB to
bring them out.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Urgent prayer request from W. Africa....Mark, Parker and one year old Isabelle serve in Ayorou , Niger in west Africa
From: David Franklin []
Subject: urgent prayer request from W. Africa
Fellow servants, Judy Puckett from Grace Baptist shared with me an urgent prayer request that I thought was worthy of passing on to you. Your missionaries Mark, Parker and one year old Isabelle serve in Ayorou , Niger in west Africa. They spent 2 years working with the people before the saw the first converts. Ela was one of the first to become a Christian. He has now disappeared and is probably counted as a martyr. Another new Christian is known to be murdered. There is great spiritual oppression as the Muslims are seeking to stop the spread of the gospel. The Phillips are in grave danger. Let us pray for God to save and protect believing that our God is able. Judy has been to West Africa and knows these people. This is happening around the world as the gospel is making huge impact in many areas. Let us pray for those around the world that are in grave danger for the sake of the gospel. Pray on… david
David Franklin
Associational Missionary
Bartow Baptist Association