Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Urgent prayer request from W. Africa....Mark, Parker and one year old Isabelle serve in Ayorou , Niger in west Africa

From: David Franklin [mailto:davidbba@bellsouth.net]
Subject: urgent prayer request from W. Africa


Fellow servants, Judy Puckett from Grace Baptist shared with me an urgent prayer request that I thought was worthy of passing on to you. Your missionaries Mark, Parker and one year old Isabelle serve in Ayorou , Niger in west Africa. They spent 2 years working with the people before the saw the first converts. Ela  was one of the first to become a Christian. He has now disappeared and is probably counted as a martyr. Another new Christian is known to be murdered. There is great spiritual oppression as the Muslims are seeking to stop the spread of the gospel. The Phillips are in grave danger. Let us pray for God to save and protect believing that our God is able. Judy has been to West Africa and knows these people. This is happening around the world as the gospel is making huge impact in many areas. Let us pray for those around the world that are in grave danger for the sake of the gospel. Pray on… david


David Franklin

Associational Missionary

Bartow Baptist Association


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