Sunday, August 16, 2009

Do You Require Signs? Lesson for 8/23

The text for this week is as follows:

Judges 6:14-16,36-40; Matthew 16:1-4; Romans 12:1-2

What might prompt us to say to God, "Are you sure this is the way you want me to go? Something doesn't seem right."

What are some methods people use to look for God's guidance and direction as they make decisions today?

What advice would you give a friend who wants to follow the Lord but is afraid he or she has taken a wrong turn and gotten off track?

When God's Word says yes and the "signs" around you say no, how will you maintain your faith and conviction to do what you know God wants you to do?


Stephen Cole said...

Is it right to put out a fleece to seek the will of God? This is a difficult question to answer. First, as believers we should rely on God's Word for guidance in seeking His will. We should never question His word with a fleece. However, what about areas that God's Word does not directly address? This is where the issue gets gray. Gideon was unsure of God's assurance in victory, therefore He sought God in prayer and begged for forgiveness in putting out a fleece. God did not turn His back on Gideon, rather He answered his prayer. I had a similar situation happen to me Sunday night. After watching the video about WV, I asked God to show me if His will was for me to go to WV. Immediately after the service, Pastor came up and asked if I would consider going with the group in Nov. I took this as confirmation that God's will is for me to go to WV. Sometimes a fleece can be a mode of confirmation if we are unsure of God's will. What do you guys think?

Lee Daniel said...

I think you have your confirmation Steve.