Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Know Jesus - Mark 8:34-38; 9:33-37; 10:32-24 { The Results of Knowing Jesus }

As you review this weeks lesson, consider the following and questions related to the text.  Please pray for the preparation of the lesson, not only for the Tommy and I as teachers, but also for the class to really dig into God's word for what he wants us to see and learn. 

Know Jesus
Lesson: The Results of Knowing Jesus
Scriptures: Mark 8:34-38; 9:33-37; 10:32-24

  1. What offer does Jesus make as He asks people to follow?
  2. What does it mean to lose your life?
  3. Is denying self the same as self-denial?
  4. Is following Christ a free gift or is it costly?
  5. Jesus was so clear in predicting his death. Yet, as we read the rest of the story, the disciples clearly didn't get it. How do you explain this?
  6. Is following Jesus easy or hard?

1 comment:

Stephen Cole said...

Think about the paradox of losing your life in order to save it. We must surrender the fleshly life in order to embrace the Spirit filled life. No man can serve two masters. As we grow, we ought to be surrendering more territory to the Holy Spirit and becoming more like Christ. This is sanctification.