Thursday, December 30, 2010

Grace Couples SS New Years Eve Party Directions (bring your favorite salty, savory or sweet snack)

Party at the Epps at  318 Briarpatch Lane, Cartersville, GA  (in Deerfield Estates adjacent to the Cartersville Primary and Elementary School)  

The Party is at 7pm.

See you there.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sunday School New YEARS EVE PARTY AT Kim and Robby Epps (12/31 @ 7pm)

Just a reminder, our end of the year Sunday School party will be hosted by Kim and Robby this Friday night at 7pm.  I will send out directions and soon as I find out what Chick Filet to turn at.  LOL, Seriously, I will send that out Wed.


Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas !!!

Merry Christmas to all.  Our savior was born and lived among man and died for our sins and raised himself up to live again for us and to His glory.  Joy to the world !!!

Prayer Request from Kelly Champion for Shanike Cooper and family

See the message below from Kelly about Shanike's request.


  • Hey Lee,
    Can you please send this out to our Sunday school class. Shanike Cooper is asking for prayer on 2 separate issues. They were told that Chloe is no longer available for adoption due to both mom and dad's side requesting custody. Due to the emotional attachment, Shanike gave DEFACS a 14 day notice to place Chloe with another foster family until custody is decided. They are also going through genetic testing for Jeremiah (mini cooper -the 2 year old) that they are adopting and should be official in Feb. I'm attaching the following message Shanike has sent me. 



    Shanike Williams Cooper December 22 at 10:06pm Report
    Hey Kelly Just wanted to let u know...we no longer have our little Chloe bug! She was been moved to a foster ONLY home. It was hard but God knows whats best. Its far to much to talk about right now. Please pray for mini cooper. He will be put to sleep at 6:30am at t c thompson children's hospital in Chattanooga, TN for test then after that a lot of blood test. We have to be there at 5:30am so Im heading to bed now. I know I have forgot to send this to someone so if I did i am soooo sorry just forward it on as we are sooooo requesting prayer!


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fwd: Please listen to this entire prayer - UNBELIEVABLE

Regina sent this to me and you may have already seen it.  I can't add anything to what Regina has already said.  Please take time in the next few days to view this video.  It takes about 5 minutes.

Merry Christmas.


If we only prayed with HALF the confidence and faith of this little girl, I cannot even imagine what would happen to our world!  Do we really grasp the Risen Savior as this little girl has done?  Praise God for parents that are raising up a child in the way she should go!


Amazing Prayer from Little Girl - Cute Videos - GodTube

Monday, December 20, 2010

Cade Walker info

From Danielle Facebook post

Danielle Walker This isn't the update I wanted to post but biopsy is canceled. The blood worked showed cancer. Tomorrow morning they will insert a shunt to drain fluid off his brain. This might be a permanent thing. Waiting to see oncologist to find our when the port will go in. Will have chemo and radiation for about a yr. We just w...ant to go home!!!! Please continue to pray!!!!


Update today: Please pray for Dan and Connie Larimar's grandson Cade... Urgent !!!

Per Craig on twitter today:

plz continue 2 pray 4 Cade & family Cancer has been confirmed & they'll be placing a shunt 2 drain fluid from the brain pray 4 peace & grace



Could you please share with SS class per Victoria:
To pray for Cade, Dan and Connie's grandson, they have found a mass I think she said behind his eye in the brain and have just called them back to Scottish Rite hospital.  Parents are Danny and Jake.  Don't know all the details but God does.  Please remember all the family, Dan and Connie as well.
Thank you,
Laura Jo

Something to make you smile this Christmas !!!

Watch the itouch video.  Modern Church, North Point

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Ms Judy and our class

As we discussed today, we have begun collecting funds to help with her cab fare needs.  We started collecting today and will do so next Sunday and conclude our final collection at our SS class party at the Epps house on New Years Eve !!!  Our goal is to at least get about $150.

Thank you so much and have a very Merry Christmas.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Please pray for Dan and Connie Larimar's grandson Cade... Urgent !!!

This is just in.  

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: G MALONE <>
To: Lee Daniel <>
Sent: Sat, December 18, 2010 1:02:25 PM

Could you please share with SS class per Victoria:
To pray for Cade, Dan and Connie's grandson, they have found a mass I think she said behind his eye in the brain and have just called them back to Scottish Rite hospital.  Parents are Danny and Jake.  Don't know all the details but God does.  Please remember all the family, Dan and Connie as well.
Thank you,
Laura Jo

Friday, December 17, 2010

Verses for the lesson Sunday: It's A Wonderful Life: In Christ - Luke 18:9-14, Philippians 2:5

Nothing to ponder, nothing to play, just read the verses and see what Tommy has to say.  Ha Ha !!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Devotional This Morning a Must Read & Video, Retooning the Nativity from Yesterday....below devotional

December 13, 2010

Our Focus in Life

By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

     When we understand that the enemy is sly and that he attacks us from many different angles, we will be able to fend him off much better. When attacks are blatant against our lives, they are easy to spot.

     Maybe your marriage has become rocky or you are facing financial problems. Maybe you have stopped going to church because you were hurt by someone there. Maybe you have experienced the pain of a losing a loved one who died unexpectedly.

     If we hold on to the hand of God through life's most difficult trials, we have not escaped sin's assault on our soul just yet. In an attempt to quench our passion for God and slowly steal away our intimacy with the Lord, the enemy will try to lure our focus and attention elsewhere. He may tempt you to think of things that are not overtly sinful, but the problems come when your attention does not rest on God--and that can be destructive.

     As we peer into our hearts, we must be diligent to rid our lives of things that do not point to God first and foremost. Is desiring to have a better life sinful? No, it is not. However, when our focus in life becomes to upgrade our lifestyles, shifting us away from God, it does become sinful.  Throughout life, we are faced with numerous decisions, many of which are costly by the world's standards if the right decision is made. Yet, nothing in life will ever be as satisfying as following the Lord.

     No matter how many things we obtain in life, no matter how many promotions we get, no matter how much fame and popularity we have--these things pale in comparison to the hope and joy we find in a relationship with Christ.

     Prayer: Lord, please help me to keep my focus on You and You alone.

For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God (Psalm 86:10).

Retooning the Nativity

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Care package info on Victoria's friend Tammy that is deployed

Okay class, here is your chance to minister to someone we have direct contact with that is deployed.  Please see Victoria's email and the email below from Tammy.  Most of all, please please pray for her and her family. 

Thank you Victoria for sharing. 

The plan.... bring your stuff Sunday morning.  We will pack it and give it to Victoria (with funds) to mail it on Monday.  Also, note you can send her your own card or letter.

Let's pour out Christian love to this sister that is serving for freedom.  Bring some shoe boxes to mail with also.  Even if we have more than one, that is ok, we can stagger them over the weeks.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Peters, Victoria L Civ USAF AFOSI Det 117 <>
Date: Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 10:28 AM
Subject: FW: question
To: Lee Daniel <>

Lee, this is from Tammy.  She gave some good ideas below.  My heart is
moved on what she needs more than anything...prayer.
Her mailing address if anyone wants to send her a card is:

Tammy Cole
APO  AE  09348

And the reason she calls me kommie mommie is my title is KOM, she came
up with kommie mommie and it has stuck.  I didn't want anyone to think I
was, you know, communist!

Thank to everyone in the class for thinking of her.


Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 2010 3:37 AM
To: Peters, Victoria L Civ USAF AFOSI Det 117
Subject: RE: question

Hi kommie mommie,
  That is awful sweet! I just had my brother send me some more soap,
lotion and shampoo/conditioner.  This place definitely caters to the
gender in the few small concessions they have.  He sent me huge bottles
so I
am good til I leave here.
  Things I can't get here are my favorite toasted peanut butter
(the Austin ones from walmart, they are cheap and they are the best!).
Maybe some oxyclean to wash my clothes or just the oxyclean stain
Other than those two necessities, I really can't think of anything.  I
not being difficult we are just so busy that all we do is work or sleep.
Letters or cards would really be great! And of course ALWAYS PRAYERS!!!!
think I need prayers the most, so really that would be enough to ask
That God's will be done in all areas of my life, personally and
professionally.  Things have changed from before - so the teams here are
much better.... THE POWER OF PRAYER!
  Love and miss you!

-----Original Message-----
From: Peters, Victoria L Civ USAF AFOSI Det 117
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2010 4:57 PM
Subject: question

Hey Tammylynn,

I hope you are well.  My Sunday school class wants to send you a box,
give me some suggestions that you can use.

Love, km

Monday, December 6, 2010

Please pray for Colton Montgomery - a friend and teammate of Luke's and former player I coached.

Colton Montgomey (age 18) ( a freshman at Georgia College and State University) is a former player I coached and one of Luke's friends and past Hurricane baseball player. During a routine MRI for arm surgery for Tommy John Surgery the doctors found a tumor in the bone of his right forearm at the elbow area.  Colton completed a full body bone scan today and they get the results of that this week to be sure there are no other tumors.  Colton will be going to Emory to meet with a tumor specialist next week to see what to do about the one in his arm.

Colton is in his first year at college, playing baseball, the sport he has loved his whole life like many young men, dreaming the dream.  

Please pray for Colton, his family Mark and Sharon Montgomery and his sister Kristi.  Obviously, they are hoping and praying for the tumor to be benign.

Mark welcomes our prayers.

Lee Daniel

Sunday School Lessons for December - 3 Special Lessons Announced !!!

As we discussed yesterday, we will deviate from the "lifeway" prepared lessons for the month of December and do a "special edition" set of lessons.  Sunday School Text and Lesson plan to follow, but this is the theme for the balance of the month.
Here goes

  • 12/12 - Mythbusters: Christmas Edition
  • 12/19 - A Christmas Story: It's a Wonderful Life (in Christ)
  • 12/26 - 2011: A Re-boot, where are we going, what to do, what's important

We hope you will find these interesting as well as topical for the Christmas / New Years Season.

( Remember to pray for each other and our church this week )


Lee Daniel, CIC, CPIA
Harry Daniel Insurance
770-382-8954 ext 100
770-386-4081 fax
Contact Me LinkedIn

Thursday, December 2, 2010

SS Text and Thoughts for Sunday - Isaiah 61:1-11, Luke 4, Mark 1:15

As we enter the Christmas Season, lets take a look at something we might not consider very often.  What God really values.

What God Values
Scriptures: Isaiah 61:1-11

We cannot overlook the fact that Jesus chose verses from this chapter of Isaiah to read when He appeared at the synagogue of His hometown early in His earthly ministry (read Luke 4). It's also noteworthy that Jesus added words from Isaiah 58 - that He had come to preach recovery of sight to the blind. If you would like to read another passage that adds clarity to the reasons why Jesus came into the world, read Mark 1:15, the first words the Lord utters in that book. When Jesus arrived, the kingdom of God was brought near to the lost. His message was that all should repent of their sins and believe the good news of salvation through His coming atonement.

To value what God values means we appreciate and communicate the incredible sacrifice His Son made for us because of the value the Father saw in us even as sinners. The language of Isaiah 61 is pre-exilic, meaning that it explains events prior to Judah's fall to Babylon. Having this chapter framed correctly, you can see how the prophet's words would have been a great comfort to Judah years later as her people lived oppressed and downtrodden by their captors. God really did redeem His people from captivity and restored them in their land, just as He promised. And these promises also point forward to the coming Redeemer who would loose the bonds of sin and open the eyes of the spiritually blind to the new life He would bring. The Spirit of the Lord is on Christ to set captives free and bring them into eternal joy.

To really understand how much God values justice, consider that injustice was one of the main reasons He punished Israel and Judah with exile. Read through the major prophets such as Isaiah and Jeremiah, and time after time you will see God's accusations of His people's mistreatment of the poor and vulnerable in their midst. Idolatry was another major complaint, but injustice ranks up there beside it.

Finding ourselves as believers, standing before God clothed in Christ's righteousness, we realize how undeserving we are of His mercy. Each one of us is the one who has neglected the poor, chosen our own advancement over the good of others, and overlooked the marginalized. Just as Israel and Judah had done, we are all lawbreakers in God's sight. We are deserving of exile and banishment from His presence. But His Son has made peace between us and the Father. His work on our behalf makes possible our genuine action to help right some of the wrongs we see in the world. But none of our responses will mean anything in eternity if we forget to use them as opportunities to preach Christ and Him crucified.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Parade and SPLASH Bartow Canned Food Drive

Subject: Christmas Parade


As you know tomorrow night is the Christmas Parade at 6 p.m.  If you are going, I am asking you to take a food item with you.  Youth from SPLASH have a float and will be going out into the crowd (they will have on their SPLASH blue t-shirts) and gathering food for families in need in our community.  Word of mouth and from the churches is the best way to get this message out.  It was in the paper last week but I have not seen it this week and then it was listed under church activities which most people do not read.  Please share this email with your friends.
This is the 1st year the youth have done this.  Their desire is to be involved in missions all year round.  Please help support our community by meeting the need with a food donation.  Encourage our youth and let them know how much we appreciate what they are doing.  Please continue to lift them up in prayer.
In Christ,

"O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth."

                                                                   - Psalm 8:9



Monday, November 29, 2010

Flash Mob Sings Hallelujah Chorus in Food Court - Inspirational Videos

Flash Mob Sings Hallelujah Chorus in Food Court - Inspirational Videos - GodTube

Thursday, November 25, 2010

As you know this weeks lesson is about Evangelism and our thoughts and
concern with it. Take a look at this video as you prepare this week.

Do we mess up evangalism? Jesus "witnessed" using the law. Take a look at this.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The core verses are actually Romans 1.14 – 17; 9.1 – 3; 10.1, 14 – 15; 15.17
‐ 20 but we may look at more than that, hence the mention to read all 4

Our lesson is a simple lesson this week about Evangelism and our obligation
to Evangelize and our feelings/thoughts/cares about the lost.

1. How would you describe Paul’s feeling about evangelism?
2. Do you think Paul felt under obligation? If so, why?
3. What about you? Do you feel obligated to people who do not know God?
4. What exactly does it mean to live by faith? Go beyond what you normaly
would think of or say to this question.
5. Romans 9. 1 – 3. What is Paul sad about?
6. Is there anything that keeps people from being saved? If so, what is
it? Look at Roman's 1 again.
7. Romans 15.17 – 20 What role do signs and wonders have in the spreading
of the gospel?
8. What is our church’s basic plan for spreading the gospel? Better yet,
what is your basic plan for spreading the gospel?

See you Sunday, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving..... and one final
question for this year and the most basic question and obvious question for
this time of year.

What are your truly, thankful for this year/week/day this very moment?


Saturday, November 20, 2010

I am sure many of you like myself are a bit sad over the announcement of
Doug's Retirement. I addition to that, add that Craig will be entering the
mission field and we will soon be without a youth pastor.

The Lord is good and knows what we need. Tomorrows lesson could not be more
appropriate for us this week. We will be focusing on what the early Church
was focused on and it is especially important for us to focus on the same

Some things to think about.

1. What four things did the early church devote themselves to?
2. What are some of your favorite ways to expose yourself to the Word?
3. What is meant by �the fellowship�? This is more that cookies and
lemonade isn�t it? What is fellowship?
4. Why is fellowship so important?
5. What does it mean to �devote yourself to the fellowship�?
6. Hebrews 10.23 � 25. When the Bible says not to give up meeting
together, how often does that mean we should meet? Once a week? Twice a
7. Look at the text carefully. What kind of meetings is this talking
8. For you personally, how much church do you feel you need? How many
meetings? What kind of meetings?

Please come expecting to worship and learn from The Holy Spirit what God
wants us to know tomorrow.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

SS Text and thoughts this week: Luke 12:13-21; Philippians 1:21-26

As we continue to think about how we live a Christian life in the world we live in daily, many thoughts come to mind:  How do I do this?  What does it look like?  If I blow it, will God give me other opportunities?

This weeks text focuses on passages that you have read before, but may not have thought much about, because, well, we certainly aren't Pharisees are we?  Anyway, see the notes before and read the text and pray this week for God to reveal what we need to understand.


The first 12 verses of Luke 12 carry the words of Jesus to a large crowd of people who were trampling on one another in their frenzy. What were they so worked up about? In Luke 11 Jesus had finished unloading a volley of insults and judgments against the Pharisees for their religious hypocrisy. The Lord's invectives had obviously drawn a crowd. People didn't talk like that about the Pharisees without generating controversy! So Jesus' response to the man about his inheritance must be interpreted in the light of this situation. He warned the people about attitudes of greed, and Jesus often scolded the Pharisees for the greed that fueled their religious elitism. In Luke 20:47 Jesus warns that the Pharisees "devour widows houses." They took advantage of the poor and defenseless to increase their own wealth. The man who demanded that Jesus intervene in his inheritance dispute probably did not have the level of wealth as did the Pharisees. But Jesus saw in his attitude something that troubled Him just as much. He warned the people to "be on guard against all greed." To the Lord, the greed of a Pharisee is just as sinful as that of a common man. We shouldn't be quick to lament the sins of the rich while downplaying our own. Greed comes in many forms and sizes, and it all leads to spiritual destruction.

How do you focus your priorities more on the life to come when the one you're in now demands so much of you? Your life with the Lord in heaven probably seems far away, yet we all know it could come tomorrow. Both the troubles and the pleasures of this life grab our attention and draw our hearts away from eternity. Jesus told us that we would have trouble in this life, but to take heart because He has overcome the world! A lot of people react to life situations instead of pro-actively preparing for them. Spending, saving, and giving according to a monthly budget is one way to guard against frivolous purchases. Making decisions ahead of time with family members about what kind of lifestyle you will live can alleviate the constant pressure to get more and more. More than anything, developing a habit of giving can open your family up to the lasting joys of contributing to eternal causes.

The first part of Paul's statement in Phil. 1:21 usually sounds strange to the ears of English speakers. How do we understand the word "Christ" when used as an adjective? Wouldn't it have been easier if Paul had written something such as, "living is Christian," or "living is Christ-like"? How is living as a Christian, itself, "Christ"? Perhaps it would help to consider all that it meant for Jesus of Nazareth to be the Christ. He carried a message of hope and peace to a world that mostly didn't want to hear it. He made enemies with the religious establishment and made friends with sinners. He claimed to be the fulfillment of the Law and the Son of God. And He said that He was the only way anyone would get to the Father. He did all of these things because He loved people and wanted them to know the truth. For Paul, living was indeed "Christ" because he bore on his body the marks of suffering and persecution awarded for his proclamation of the gospel. But he also cherished the priceless moments in which he saw his gospel seeds bear fruit of repentance and new life.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

As you know we are studying during the month of November, How to live the
Christian life and what that looks like. Today I recieved my morning
devotional for Dr. Michael Youssef. I so applies to what we talked about
Sunday and what is ahead. Please review his writing as you prepare this
week. Remember, every day we are given a choice to live for God or for
ourselves. What will it be today?

Ignore that last tweet and blog post . Must have been stuck on the system.
Jesus spoke these things, looked up to heaven, and said:


the hour has come.

Glorify Your Son

so th…

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Please pray for Richard. He is going to speak to Lucas Lane (player on his LLBB team with Leukemia) about salvation this morning.

Urgent this morning: Please pray for Richard - Lucas Lane (Age 11) on Richards LLBB Team

You may remember praying for this little boy on Richards LL Baseball team this summer.  He has Leukemia (in fact there is an article in the paper today about him and a bank account being setup for him). 

Richard is going by to see him this morning and talking to him about salvation.  Pray God will use Richard and speak through him and Lucas will hear God's call.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lee Daniel <>

I had an opportunity to see this young boy play baseball this year on Richards team.  He loves the game and really enjoys time with this friend.  I asked Richard to copy in on his email to his team.  Please see below and diligently pray.  Words are hard to express my thoughts, but God is good and His will is perfect.  Pray for a healing and understanding.


Indians Family,


Beth Lane called me last night, and told me Lucas was diagnosed last night with Leukemia.  Many of you may not know, but Lucas had Leukemia about 10 years ago and it has been in remission for the last 7 years.  This probably explains the stress fracture Lucas suffered in his elbow a few weeks ago in All-Stars. 


Please pray that God will heal and comfort Lucas.  Also, please pray for strength, peace and understanding for Lucas's family during his treatments.


Lucas's Grandmother came by to see me this morning and said he will at Egleston Children's Hospital the next several days and they would welcome anyone who can visit him.

I am not sure when at the moment, but Noah and I will try to go see him soon.  I will let you know when if any you are interested in going with us.  He is on the Alflac wing in room 3235


If you plan to go, please make sure no visitor has a cold, fever or anything else that he or anyone on his wing can catch as all of these kids in the hospital have low immune systems. 



Richard Daniel

Friday, October 29, 2010

Just a reminder before tomorrow. Hope to see you all there.

Re: Sunday School Barbeque at Chris and Marci Nichols House, this Saturday (10/30) @ 2pm, See Directions Below.

Just a reminder before tomorrow.  Hope to see you all there. 


Ok Class,  It is really not that hard, but you can get turned around toward the end.  Take Hwy 411 toward Fairmount and follow below.  Chris and Marci are providing the Bar B Que and trimmings, just bring your favorite drink.  Not required but if you want to bring a desert to share that is fine too.



Highway 411 North until you hit the Bartow-Gordon County line.


Once you cross the line go ½ mile to right on Irwin Mill Rd. ( There used to be a road sign but as of today it is not there.)


Go 2 miles to left on Sulphur Springs Rd-there is a road sign.


Follow that road until the pavement ends and road splits-turn left onto dirt gravel road


We are 2nd drive on the right--214. It is the only blacktop drive. Do not pay attention to mailbox numbers cause they will only confuse you.


Hope to see y'all there!!


In case you get lost-706-337-4310

Chris and Marci

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Proverbs 3

My son, do not forget my teaching,
But let your heart keep my commandments;

For length of days and years of life
And peace they will add to you.

Do not let kindness and truth leave you;
Bind them around your neck,
Write them on the tablet of your heart.

So you will find favor and good repute
In the sight of God and man.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make your paths straight.

Do not be wise in your own eyes;
Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.

It will be healing to your body
And refreshment to your bones.

Honor the Lord from your wealth
And from the first of all your produce;

So your barns will be filled with plenty
And your vats will overflow with new wine.

My son, do not reject the discipline of the Lord
Or loathe His reproof,
For whom the Lord loves He reproves,
Even as a father * corrects * the son in whom he delights.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Ok Class, It is really not that hard, but you can get turned around toward
the end. Take Hwy 411 toward Fairmount and follow below. Chris and Marci
are providing the Bar B Que and trimmings, just bring your favorite drink.
Not required but if you want to bring a desert to share that is fine too.

Sunday School Barbeque at Chris and Marci Nichols House, this Saturday (10/30) @ 2pm, See Directions Below.

Ok Class,  It is really not that hard, but you can get turned around toward the end.  Take Hwy 411 toward Fairmount and follow below.  Chris and Marci are providing the Bar B Que and trimmings, just bring your favorite drink.  Not required but if you want to bring a desert to share that is fine too.



Highway 411 North until you hit the Bartow-Gordon County line.


Once you cross the line go ½ mile to right on Irwin Mill Rd. ( There used to be a road sign but as of today it is not there.)


Go 2 miles to left on Sulphur Springs Rd-there is a road sign.


Follow that road until the pavement ends and road splits-turn left onto dirt gravel road


We are 2nd drive on the right--214. It is the only blacktop drive. Do not pay attention to mailbox numbers cause they will only confuse you.


Hope to see y'all there!!


In case you get lost-706-337-4310

Chris and Marci

Thursday, October 21, 2010

One more for today - Prayer Request

From Carol Crow,

Pray for Tommy's oldest sister, Rachel Hulsey.  She had a heart attack over the weekend and they're still running tests.  She's 76 years old.

-Carol Crow

2 Prayer Requests for our class to pray for today

Autumn Barrett has requested prayer for her mom.
Her mom, Sue Goodwin, will be having surgery Thursday, Oct 21 at 11 AM
at Emory-Jones Creek.  She has a bone spur in her neck and the doctors
are going to remove the whole vertebra.

Joe Worthington's sister (Jan Mae) has been diagnosed with 2 types of
breast cancer. They have 3 children and will more than likely be
traveling to Atlanta for treatment in the coming weeks. I spoke with Joe
this morning and he told me his mom who is 80 is just getting over her
treatment for breast cancer as well.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Update on Luke today 10/19/2010

Well today was very stressful, but before I give everyone an update, Regina, Luke and I would like to thank everyone for your prayers and concern and continue to ask for them.

OK, here goes.

We went to Emory today for our first visit there.  Meet his new doctor. (we all really like her).  Basically she took a detailed history, etc.... and made the determination for Luke to go on meds at least for about a yr, maybe a little longer.  She stopped short of really giving a diagnosis of Epilepsy this morning, but said he does meet the clinical definition.  She believe his seizures could be related to his premature birth, but she can't really say for sure. Too long to explain why here, but basically, there is belief on premature children that the brain is not fully developed and it tends to hard wire itself differently than if allowed to develop in the womb.  That is a self defense mechanisms built into the brain to help it grow in the event of an early birth.... Anyway, as he reaches adulthood, sometimes those connections may become disassociated, etc.... hence he has the seizures... when his brain has a chance to totally relax.  (Both of his seizures where during the first 15 or so minutes of a nap.)

So, we left Emory with an Rx for meds and an appointment next Monday for a 24 hr EEG.

We came home after eating some lunch near Emory.  Luke was going to head back to school, but take a short nap first.  He was on the sofa for about 15 mins, feel asleep and had another tonic-clonic (Grand-Mal) seizure.  This one was pretty bad.  Kinda in between his 1st one and the 2nd one.  We did the 911 thing.  The Neurologist wanted him to go to C'ville Medical to be checked out to be sure he was ok.  

She modified the meds she originally prescribed as the 1st Rx was going to take about 6 weeks to totally get in his system.  He will be taking 2 meds for 6 weeks.  The first one she prescribed and the second one also.  She is very concerned with him having another one, hence the addition of another med. that will act faster until the 1st one can get in his system.

We are at home and none the less, pretty stressed out but really trying hard to leave this to God to handle but still be the parent and caregiver.

He seems fine but his head is really hurting as he landed on his head as he feel off the sofa.   Everything checked out at the hospital so we are hoping for no concussion.

We will still be doing the 24 hr EEG next week.  All his labs and test appear perfectly normal, but the brain is still a very mysterious thing.  God created a marvelous thing with the brain and we really still don't know much about it.

We are totally trusting in the God, but to be perfectly honest, we are pretty stressed at this point.  Not complaining but just being real with you guys.

Please PRAY for Luke that his seizures will stop and the meds will work.  There are side effects to both meds.  We are hoping and praying the first meds chosen do the job with no side effects.

Thank you so much for your prayers.  We really do appreciate them and Luke does as well.

God Bless

Lee, Regina and Luke

Monday, October 18, 2010

My birthday supper being prepared by Regina. Can't wait.  Chicken and dumplins & biscuits with peas and carrots.
My birthday supper being prepared by Regina. Can't wait. Chicken and dumplins & biscuits with peas and carrots.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fwd: Board Games for West Virginia for Christmas

Help from all....  please see email from Donna on board games needed for the WV trip in November.  Similar to Shoes for Souls...  we need board games.  See below.


I just talked to Wal-Mart. They will match the price if you take the ad with you to the store.


Donna Bazelmans

Hey Lee,

Will you please pass on the the sale info for Toys R Us to everyone. They are having a great sale on board games thru Sat. See last page of sale ad for games. Grace has committed to bringing 100 games to WV for children ages 4-7.

Thanks bunches!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

At that time Jesus said, "I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because You have hidden these thing…

Friday, September 24, 2010

Like Dandelion Dust Movie Posters

Like Dandelion Dust Movie Posters A movie you must see. Full of Redemption and a great story.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

More info on Cottage Prayer Meeting today at The Daniel's

Before our prayer time we will be looking at Mark 8:27-33 and Matthew16:13-23.  Come hungry for The Word, Prayer and Regina's treats.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fwd: Urgent Prayer Request - Jessica and Alysha Kennedy's Dad

Please see below from Regina.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Regina Daniel <>
Date: Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 4:10 PM
Subject: Urgent Prayer Request
To: Lee Daniel <>


Please ask the class to pray for Jessica and Alysha Kennedy and their family.  Their Dad is at home with hospice and not expected to live through the day.  Jessica just texted me that she knows he will be "singing with the angels soon."  I know they rejoice in that but their hearts are also broken at their impending separation. 


Monday, September 13, 2010

prayer request for Terry Waits family. (Wife Michelle) worked with Vivian for years etc. Funeral home tonite.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

nelson baseball up 4 1 top 4 , Luke double off the wall with Rbi so far.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Update on Shoes for Souls 2010

Grace Sunday School collected 235 new pair of shoes and 317 pair of socks for Orphans around the world this year.  Way to go !!!  Tommy and I delivered the boxed shoes and socks to Moody radio in Chattanooga yesterday.  By yesterday evening the total collected was over 25,000 pair of shoes and 37,000 pair of socks.  Last year the number they collected was 21,000 pair of shoes which included their sister station in Middle Tennessee.   So far the number of 25,000 only counts the Chattanooga station. 

Below is a exert from their facebook page.  If you want to become a fan, just search Moody Radio Southeast on facebook.

Moody Radio Southeast

Last shoe total update for today. 25,841 pairs of shoes and 37,579 pairs of socks for Shoes for Orphan Souls. Last year, we had about 21,000 pairs of shoes between 2 stations, so the totals for our Middle Tennessee station, WFCM, are not included yet in the 25K.

Thank you all for your efforts !!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Shoes for Orphans Soul Day this Sunday - Bring your shoes to Sunday School.

Please bring your Shoes, Socks, and Shoelaces to Sunday School this Sunday.  Our class time will be a time of fun - preparing the shoes for shipment, fellowship and hopefully if someone is feeling benevolent in the kitchen, some light snacks. 

Each Class will be doing the same thing we are doing Sunday morning.  The College and Career Class will be joining us also.

Please be sure to bring or invite anyone that helped with this great mission project to Sunday School this Sunday.  Hoping and still praying for a BIG number of shoes to send out.

See you guys then.

Lee Daniel

Monday, August 23, 2010

Fwd: FW: gale is in her home (Missionary in Lebanon)

Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 3:01 PM
Subject: gale is in her home


Dear Precious co-Laborers in the Great Commission Task at FBCW,


Gale is in heaven.  She left us at 10:25 PM Saturday PDT /  8:25 AM Sunday Lebanon time.  She is free and in the care of our Almighty King and Savior who identified Himself as I AM.


The last few days became increasingly difficult.  My heart ached for Gale watching her physical body deteriorate.  In the last hours, she was unable to speak or swallow as she breathed with difficulty.  Her most frequent words before she stopped communicating were:  "I want to be with Jesus."  Elijah, Liz, Boulos, and I were with her praying, singing, and reading Scripture as she left us for the Kingdom that has no end.


There will be a memorial service for Gale in Moscow, Idaho on Tuesday afternoon, August 24thOn Friday August 27th  at 2 PM we will have a memorial service in Tacoma (Steilacoom), Washington.  The service will be at Oberlin Church, 1603 Rainier Street, Steilacoom, WA. 98388



Thank you for the many ways you have supported us during this difficult time.  Gale's departure has broken my heart.  I am so thankful for our loving King who cares for us.

"The LORD is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit."  Psalm 34:18  The work we do in the Middle East is not over………. Much remains and I am confident that our Redeemer will lead us in this task. 


With love and gratitude,


David + Elijah and Liz


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Missionary in Lebanon we are praying for - Gale update (dieing of cancer)

 This is actual email from her Husband David.  Last names removed for safety of those in Lebanon.



Gale can no longer use her legs.  Her right arm is nearly limp as well.  The pain in her lower abdomen is a concern.  Apparently it's a tumor(s) … and this is uncomfortable.  It is a joy to serve Gale at this time and we really have no complaints.  Yes, it's a bit hard at times but isn't it amazing how God brings blessings right in the midst of such tough times?

This morning Gale seems especially tired… she even said something like, "It may be my time to depart."  We are being cared for by local believers who soooooo kindly bring meals every 3rd day…….. and sometimes more often.  They also drop by to sit with Gale so I can run errands.  We are sensing the love of the body of Christ.

I'll keep you posted.  I know Elijah and Liz are hoping to come fairly soon.  Our old friend / adopted son -- Boulos is here with us.

Love to you,  David



Thursday, August 5, 2010

Prayer Request from Vivian for her friend Terry (he is currently on our prayer board)

Please see below from Vivian

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vivian Culpepper <>
Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:58 AM
Subject: Prayer Request

I have had Terry, a coworker and friend of mine for the last 30 years, on our prayer board in Sunday School for the last several months.  I had an email correspondence from his wife on Wednesday that he is not doing well and asking for prayer.  He is to see his oncologist on Thursday (today) to determine what, if any, course of treatment to pursue.  Please ask our class to lift Terry and his family up in prayer.  As I mentioned, Terry is married.  They have 2 sons that are 23 and 21 and in college.  Terry's mother is also still alive and lost Terry's brother a few years ago to cancer.  Thanks.  Vivian

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010

SS Text this week and Homework - Respect God's Holiness 2 Samuel 6 - Also, Find out something you don't know about Samuel

Respect God's Holiness

2 Samuel 6

Some things to think about.  Also, I know it will be hard to find out something you didn't know about Samuel because we have been really studing him lately, but give it an effort.

  1. What is your reaction when you hear of a former church facility that has been turned into a restaurant? Would you eat in this restaurant? Why or why not?
  2. In what sense is a church building a "holy place"? Is God more present in a church building than He is in your home or workplace? 
  3. Does it make sense to respect God's holiness more when we're in a church building than when we're outside, or at home, or at work? Why or why not?
  4. Does the idea of a church meeting in a former motorcycle dealership sound irreverent to you? Is it appropriate to worship God in places that were once used for other purposes? 
  5. What "non-church" space is there in your life? What could you to do respect God's holiness in that place?
See you Sunday and Remember Shoes for Orphans Souls


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Please pray for Jeremy Norris

I spoke with Lee Andrews today concerning some business items and she shared with me that Jerry's son Jeremy was Diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs.  I asked her to send me info on him so we could pray for them and him.  Please see her email below.

Lee Daniel

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lee Andrews <>
Date: Thu, Jul 29, 2010 at 1:54 PM
Subject: Jeremy Norris

Here is the information on Jerry's son. His name is Jeremy Norris and he is 30 yrs old, Diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs about 2 months ago. About 2 yrs ago he started noticing that he was having some muscle weakness in his right arm and tremors in his hands and legs. While he is a very strong young man he gapped it off to the fact that he worked out and worked to hard.( he is a fireman for the City of Waycross, Ga.) Over the last 18 months he has lost most of his muscle and his strength and while his Captain and his working peers have filled in for him he says he is grateful that he is still able to work.
He was saved about 1 year ago and says that he gets really tired of people telling him to keeps his spirits up... His spirits are fine... He knows where he is going... he is going to pray for all of us that are being left behind...
Jeremy has stated that before Christmas he will have to retire and draw disability. He is married with 2 small children (3 and 7) both girls. His wife name is Kerissa. She is saved as well.
Will you keep you posted on his condition. He does have an appointment on the 26th of August in Augusta with another Neurologist for another update.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Watch Stakelbeck on Terror and the impact a Sniper Had on Him

Give Your Life to God

By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

The wisdom of God usually confounds man�s intellect. In fact, some of
the greatest truths in the Bible are paradoxical. Giving away things does
not seem like the best way to receive blessing. And it does not seem right
to show mercy and kindness toward those who do wrong to us. But these are
actions believers are encouraged to take, as God promises blessings to those
who do them.

However, one of the most difficult biblical truths to understand is
this: to truly take back your life, you must surrender it to God. In order
for us to live in freedom�free from bondage to sin and the enemy�we must
make ourselves subject to Him.

Jesus� moment of victory came when He surrendered His life on the
cross. When Jesus committed His Spirit into God�s hands, He relinquished
control and let God work the most amazing triumph in the history of mankind.
No longer would people have to pay the appropriate penalty for their sins.
Suddenly, there was forgiveness for all who would receive it through Jesus�
death and resurrection.

Our moment of victory comes when we decide to give away our lives. When
we make the conscious decision to quit trying to run our own lives and allow
God to have control, we win. Our cry of weakness is actually our greatest
moment of strength. It is the point where we stop trying to be good
Christians and start allowing the Holy Spirit to finish the transforming
work that remains in our hearts.

Surrendering to God does not mean you are weak. On the contrary, it
means you are a person who knows where your greatest strength lies.

Prayer: Lord, make Your truths real in my life today and help me to
understand the power that comes when I surrender fully to You.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8).

Monday, July 26, 2010

Please pray for Lucas Lane (Age 11) on Richards Team

I had an oppotunity to see this young boy play baseball this year on Richards team.  He loves the game and really enjoys time with this friend.  I asked Richard to copy in on his email to his team.  Please see below and diligently pray.  Words are hard to express my thoughts, but God is good and His will is perfect.  Pray for a healing and understanding.


Indians Family,


Beth Lane called me last night, and told me Lucas was diagnosed last night with Leukemia.  Many of you may not know, but Lucas had Leukemia about 10 years ago and it has been in remission for the last 7 years.  This probably explains the stress fracture Lucas suffered in his elbow a few weeks ago in All-Stars. 


Please pray that God will heal and comfort Lucas.  Also, please pray for strength, peace and understanding for Lucas's family during his treatments.


Lucas's Grandmother came by to see me this morning and said he will at Egleston Children's Hospital the next several days and they would welcome anyone who can visit him.

I am not sure when at the moment, but Noah and I will try to go see him soon.  I will let you know when if any you are interested in going with us.  He is on the Alflac wing in room 3235


If you plan to go, please make sure no visitor has a cold, fever or anything else that he or anyone on his wing can catch as all of these kids in the hospital have low immune systems. 



Richard Daniel

HDINS, Inc. dba Harry Daniel Insurance

P.O. Box 2077

15 South Gilmer Street

Cartersville, GA 30120

770-382-8954 ext. 116

Fax # 770-386-4081


Friday, July 23, 2010

SS Text for the Week. 1 Samuel 24:20-22 & 26:1-25 - Also, Homework is Moses.

The Power of Loyalty

Text for this Sunday - 1 Samuel 24:20-22 & 26:1-25

Also, remember to Study up on Moses.  What did you find you never knew about Moses.  Remember, someone else may not know either.

Lee Daniel
Contact Me LinkedinFlickrTwitterBloggerFacebook

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Praise Report from Victoria !!!

Victoria asked me to share this with the class.  God is so awesome !!!  Keep praying per her email.


Hi Lee,

I was going to wait until Sunday, but I don't think I should wait.  I need to give God the praise for answered prayers immediately.  I want to share this wonderful news with our Sunday School shepherd!

I know a lot of people have been praying for our oldest son Matthew for a long time.  Eddie and I do not take that for granted, we GREATLY appreciate those prayers.  I have prayed with a great expectancy of how God would honor those prayersmost of the time.  Unfortunately some of the time I wondered if God would answer at all and I grew weary of praying the same prayer over and over.  And then some saint would come along, like my dear husband Eddie, my stick-bud Laura Jo, our Pastor, Mary Griffin, Judy Puckett, Kendra, Dan and Connie, my Sunday School teachers and Sunday School class and remind me to "stand strong in my faith" and keep praying.  They would say that thing that sometimes we, His children, do not want to hear "God's timing is not the same as ours"  You see, when it is your child you want God to move quickly 

Eddie and I are so thankful for the prayers of all.  Monday, Matthew was over at the house with Zachy.  We were all watching everything that precious baby did and oohing and awing when Matt got up and started looking around at stacks of books we have laying around.  I asked him what he was looking for -  and knock me over with a feather - he said his Bible!  I had to suppress the urge to cry and shout halleluiah, but I did jump up and help him look.  We didn't find his own study Bible from the Gilmer Street days, but he left with his grandfathers Bible.  He said he wanted to look up some things for himself, we said that's good, that's good, get in there and look!

Please pray that God will lead him to where he needs to go in the Word.  Lee, this is so huge!  I asked for prayer for the opportunity to witness to him and God gave me that about 2 months ago.  Now this.  God's timing is everything and I am excited about what He will do next.

I am so grateful for everyone that encouraged me and I have learned something very important, I will be more faithful to do the same for other believers.

I wanted to share this praise report.

In Christ,


Ms Judy's Needs for her Mission Trip


Attached is a list of items and needs Ms Judy has for her Mission Trip.  At our SS Teachers meeting last week Tommy and I picked up this list for us to review.  We would like to ask you to prayerfully consider what item we can meet as a class.  Already some of these things have been taken care of I am sure.

Please discuss this in class Sunday and we can send word to Ms Judy what we will take care of.



Monday, July 19, 2010

Fwd: Divine by Design: It's a Girl Thing (teen event at Grace Baptist)

Help promote this by sending it to as many people as you can think of (locally, ie Bartow, Floyd, and surrounding counties) and ask them to promote it as well. 


Lee Daniel, CIC, CPIA
Harry Daniel Insurance
770-382-8954 ext 100
770-386-4081 fax
Contact Me Linkedin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jennifer Tanner <>

Hi everyone,
As many of you know from the announcement last Sunday, Grace will be hosting a teen girls event called Divine by Design:  It's a Girl Thing  (grades 6-12) on August 21st.  Shari Braendel, the speaker for  this event, is affiliated with Proverbs 31 ministries.  Please google her and check her out.  She was called into a ministry to teach young girls and women about  how their clothing choicestell a story to the world about what is "inside".  If we have Jesus inside, our fashion choices should reflect that.  You all know the difficulty teens are faced with today and how provocative the clothing market is.  HOWEVER, Shari focuses on the fact that just b/c we are Christians, doesn't mean that we have to dress fuddy-duddy either.  Shari will complete color analysis, demonstrate proper makeup application for teens, discuss fashion and give tips, and conduct a fashion show involving our own teens.  A lunch will be provided.  There will be music, dancing from Steps of Faith dancers, and fun photography too!  The cost is $12/teen and $5/mom.  Registration can be found at  Please sign up today!  We want to PACK THE HOUSE!! 
Attached you will find jpg images of the Divine by Design logo.     Please use this to email or whatever other electronic data means you can think of to get this out to MOTHERS of teens (as well as teens) and invite them to come.  Make this a personal invite - it will make a difference!


Something to think about this week - Run to the Lord

Run to the Lord


By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.


     Even though the way before you seems dark, trust the Lord because He is faithful. When your faith is challenged, remember that Jesus never fails. He loves you and even when you drift in your devotion to Him, He will not forsake His love for you.

     In Exodus 14, Israel was on the run from the Egyptians. Their escape route was blocked by the boundaries of the Red Sea, and they began to panic. But Moses called out to them:

     Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still (Exodus 14:13-14).

     The King James Version of the Bible says, "Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord."

     True faith remains unshaken by the trials of life. When it seems the world has turned against you, run to the Lord. God will not allow you to be destroyed. Charles Spurgeon writes:

     Despair whispers, "Lie down and die; give it all up."... But, however much Satan may urge this course upon you, you cannot follow it if you are a child of God. His divine fiat has bid thee go from strength to strength, and so thou shalt, and neither death nor hell shall turn thee from thy course. What if for a while thou art called to stand still; yet this is but to renew thy strength for some greater advance in due time.

     Prayer: Lord, in times of difficulty You are my strength. Thank You for Your gift of salvation and for Your guidance each day.

[Jesus] is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them (Hebrews 7:25).

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Do You Really Know Them?

Laura Jo sent me something earlier this week I wanted to share.  As you know we are spending some time each week studying a character in the Old Testement.  This week is Abraham.  Find out what you don't already know about him and share that with the class.....  Anyway, Laura Jo recieved this devotion that is very timely for what we are doing.  Please read the devotion below and pay attention to what I highlighted for us.  It is a great devotional but more importantly the author does a great job communicating what we are trying to do in our class each week.

By the way, the SS text and lesson will come out Friday.


Do You Really Know Them?

Monday, July 12, 2010



John answered and said,

"A man can receive nothing, unless it has been given him from heaven.

You yourselves bear me witness, that I said,

'I am not the Christ', but I have been sent before Him.'"

John 3:27-28 NAS


I received a note from a friend we have not seen in years giving me a brief update on his life. It was nice to know he remembered us, but there was one sentence seared into my heart as I read his words: I said goodbye to my son last night as he heads off to Afghanistan . Can you imagine the emotions that were wrapped around that Dad and his son? Some of you can because you've been there. The pictures fly fast and furiously through your mind – not only from when he first grabbed your finger and won your heart, but the pictures you have seen of flag-draped caskets being carefully rolled from the bowels of a huge aircraft. And we can be encased in our silk cocoons so tightly that we don't hear the hurt screaming all around us.

            And we can be just as unconcerned when we read the onionskin pages in our Bible.

            What do you know of the birth of John the Baptist? [1] Well his parents were elderly. They had no children because Elizabeth was barren. Oh, they had prayed about this yearning in their hearts many times, but nothing happened. Then one day God's messenger tapped Zacharias on the shoulder to tell him that he and his wife were going to have a baby. Stop right there and put some skin and bones on these two who were "advanced in years". Imagine it. Do you know couples that have tried for years to have a baby and that day finally came – maybe after dozens of visits to the doctor? Did they accept that news calmly sipping a coke? No way! They threw their cokes in the air and started dancing! (Do you suppose Zacharias and Elizabeth did a jig? Remember they were elderly.)

            God's promise was fulfilled and all who were there when the baby was born felt His presence. Their friends were amazed: "What then will this child turn out to be?" For the hand of the Lord was certainly with him.

What joy Zacharias and Elizabeth had as they played with their little boy and dreamed about his future – a grandchild maybe! John grew into manhood. He was physically strong and he was spiritually strong. [2] Don't you know his parents were pleased with their son and saw their dreams coming true?  Their son was a man of God. Surely he

would become an important person in their community!

And then came the day when John quietly shared with them the calling he had from God. They held each other closely, watching with tear-filled eyes as their precious son walked out of their lives. He left home and went to live in the deserts by himself. His only garment was made of camel's hair cinched with a leather belt and his food consisted of nothing but locusts and wild honey. Did he ever come back home at all? I don't think so. The last word they had was how their John was cruelly beheaded by the orders from a drunken king.

            What a lonely man John must have been! Did his Mother and Dad grieve and talk long into the night wondering – "Where is he tonight? Why did this happen? What did we do wrong? God show us, please."

            Yes. I'm putting words on the pages, but Zacharias and Elizabeth were real! They were parents just like you and just like me. Should they send a brief update they might say something like this: "John left home yesterday. We have no idea where he is. He's living in the desert alone with very little to eat and we miss him so very much. Our hearts are broken." 

Don't just read the printed words. Put flesh and blood on the people who walk across the pages. Your Bible will come alive as you become a part of their lives! Tremble with Gideon! Weep with Jeremiah. Stumble blindly with Samson as he grinds at the wheel. Hide in the caves with David!


            Prayer of the authors - Lord, help us to grasp all that You share with us and come to really know the people you tell us about. Don't let us read casually about their shattered dreams. What pain David must have felt when his own son tried to kill him. How Jacob must have grieved when his beloved Benjamin did not return from Egypt with his brothers. You tell us that Mary was at the foot of the cross. I cannot in any way comprehend her grief.

We want to know You and we want to have the compassion buried in our hearts because You live there. You gave us the ability to love, and to love sometimes means a broken heart. But it is "better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all." [3]

Goodnight dear Father. Lovingly, Anabel