Friday, July 30, 2010

SS Text this week and Homework - Respect God's Holiness 2 Samuel 6 - Also, Find out something you don't know about Samuel

Respect God's Holiness

2 Samuel 6

Some things to think about.  Also, I know it will be hard to find out something you didn't know about Samuel because we have been really studing him lately, but give it an effort.

  1. What is your reaction when you hear of a former church facility that has been turned into a restaurant? Would you eat in this restaurant? Why or why not?
  2. In what sense is a church building a "holy place"? Is God more present in a church building than He is in your home or workplace? 
  3. Does it make sense to respect God's holiness more when we're in a church building than when we're outside, or at home, or at work? Why or why not?
  4. Does the idea of a church meeting in a former motorcycle dealership sound irreverent to you? Is it appropriate to worship God in places that were once used for other purposes? 
  5. What "non-church" space is there in your life? What could you to do respect God's holiness in that place?
See you Sunday and Remember Shoes for Orphans Souls


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