Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sunday School Lesson for the week - Wrestling with Stuff - How much is enough? - Eccl. 2:4-8; 5:10-16

Unit: Wrestling with Life's Mysteries
Lesson: Wrestling with Stuff
Scriptures: Eccl. 2:4-8; 5:10-16

There is no doubt our country has and is going through a very difficult time economically.  You can't open a newspaper, click on the web or turn on the news and not see reports about the dire job market, and struggling economy.  Many people, some you may know, have lost their very homes.  How does this lesson fit in for us?

At some point in time, the economy will improve and jobs will resurface, but will things be the same anymore....  or should they? 

  • We should ask ourselves the question;  How much is enough? 
  • Did our desire for more and more lead our entire culture to the path we are on presently? 
  • What is the eternal lesson for us?  
  • What is the "eternal: aspect of hard work in "this world"?
  • Ecclesiastes 5.10 - 16. How much money do you have to have to be happy?
  • Does having more money make us happier?
  • If money does not contribute to happiness all that much, what does?

Pray specifically for insight and wisdom as we continue to explore Ecclesiastes this month.

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