It seems we are surrounded by it, Iraq, Afghanistan, threats in the Middle East, War on Terror, Drug Wars, Gang Wars.
- What is the most difficult war you can think of?
- What is your favorite War movie, if you like them, some people do not, so what is your most memorable War movie if you don't have a favorite?
- Why was that movie memorable or why was it your favorite?
- As a Christian, do you consider yourself at war?
2 Corinthians 10.3 - 5; Ephesians 6.10 - 17
As you read the text think about some of these questions.- 2 Corinthians 10.4. What is a stronghold?
- Where is this war that Paul speaks of taking place?
- How do our weapons differ from the world? Can you think of a specific example?
- Ephesians 6.10 - 17. Is it possible to defeat our enemy without knowledge of these weapons?
- How are you doing these days in terms of your time alone in the Word with God?
- What are you reading? What is it meaning to you?
- Is the Word an offensive or defensive weapon?
Please watch this youtube video of a famous hymn being sung and as you watch it, turn up the volume and listen to the words as you read along with them.
Your thoughts? Pray for the Lesson this Sunday, our Worship Services, our Staff and Sunday School Teachers. Also, don't forget to pray for revival, and your role in "Pray Now Bartow".
See you Sunday
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