Ok, Christians, Hollywood is listening, they listen to the sound of money going in the register and debit cards being swiped at the ticket counter.... Support what we say we want in entertainment. Mark your calendar. Check out the trailer.
 | January 13, 2011 | |  | THE GRACE CARD Opens February 25In just six weeks, you will be able to see THE GRACE CARD as it opens in theaters across the country. A powerful story about grace and forgiveness, THE GRACE CARD has impacted church and business leaders that have seen early screenings of the film. Wanda says: "This movie will make you angry, laugh, cry, hurt, and heal through the power... of grace and forgiveness." Whenever we face forgiveness head on, life's missed opportunities are likely to be addressed as well. In a powerful scene from the movie, we watch officers Mac McDonald and Sam Wright begin to deal with regrets. Take a look ... » Watch The Scene Here |  |  | Theater Listing Now AvailableA sure sign that opening day for a movie is fast approaching: the theaters that will be showing the film are officially booked. A list of the theaters where THE GRACE CARD opens on February 25 is now available at TheGraceCardMovie.com—and be sure to check back regularly as the list is updated. While a movie about grace and forgiveness is sure to have a long-lasting impact, the film industry determines "success" based on how a movie does in its the first three days in theaters. That's why it is so important to gather some friends together and see THE GRACE CARD on opening weekend, February 25-27.
» Find a Theater Near You |  |  | What Dr. Tony Evans and Others are SayingLeaders that have seen THE GRACE CARD are excited about the film. Dr. Tony Evans, pastor, author of the new book Oneness Embraced, and president, is encouraging pastors to use the film to begin important conversations in their communities. (Check it out.) Others are sharing their thoughts on Facebook: "Very impressive! The acting was good, the story line was suspenseful and dramatic. It offers real-Word answers for real-world issues!" HIS Radio WRTP/WCEE "This was one of the best—and most challenging—movies I've ever seen. I have had trouble with forgiveness my entire life, and last night my eyes were opened to the meaning of real grace! THANK YOU for being bold and presenting this message. I will be back February 25 and I am going to spread the word!" Sheila "An amazing movie ... very powerful! Everyone must see this movie!" Greg
"This movie is a must see. It grabs your attention from beginning till end. It has something for everybody: action, comedy, love, and faith based." Candice "This was a great movie. Did not expect the emotion that came." Terry » Visit TheGraceCardMovie.com » Become a Facebook fan » Follow on Twitter | | |     |  This email was sent to bl84gm@yahoo.com as a registered user with Provident Films. Trouble Viewing? | View Our Privacy Policy | Unsubscribe Here Provident Films 741 Cool Springs Blvd. Franklin, TN 37067 © 2010 Graceworks Pictures, LLC. All Rights Reserved. © 2010 Layout and Design, Provident Films, a unit of SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT. All Rights Reserved. | |

1 comment:
Thanks so much for your support of the new GRACE CARD movie!
We really do appreciate your support and willingness to share your thoughts of the film with your readers. As we move closer to the 2/25/2011 theatrical release date, we could definitely use your continued help spreading the news!
Thank you!
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