Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Fwd: SPLASH Bartow Email Update

As memebers of a Grace SS Class members we are asked to pray for SPLASH this year.  See the email below and put this on your personal prayer list.


Good morning Sunday School Teachers,

This email is sent every Monday with prayer requests for SPLASH.  Please forward to your Sunday School classes to pray for these weekly prayer requests.

Thank you,


-----Original Message-----

Subject: Monday Prayer Email Update

Dear SPLASH Prayer Partners,

For some of you, this is the first of our Monday SPLASH email updates -
welcome!  To those of you who have been praying with us for the last month,
thank you!

Vicki and I are sending out prayer updates each Monday for SPLASH and asking
that you share these with your team or other church members that will
continue to cover SPLASH in prayer.

As many of you know, SPLASH is scheduled for July 11th - 15th.  And we are
planning a city-wide prayer walk for SPLASH on Thursday, July 7th at 7pm.
That's 7/7 at 7pm!  Please plan to join us in prayer that evening.

Last week, we prayed for our leaders of SPLASH, David Franklin and Pam Loy.
Please continue to pray for them.  As well, this week, let's add the entire
SPLASH team, they are working hard to coordinate this effort.   They are:
Denise Nunley, Gwen Highsmith, Megan Loy, Bobbie Mansfield, Wendy Hodorff,
Cinnamon Callihan, Chris Blackwell, Jonathan Tipper, Tim Garnto, Mike Loy,
Wes Irons, Becky Lynch, Kim Watson, Mallory Watson, Carol Apple, Kelly
Branton, Ashley Hewett and Laurie Shadle.  (I apologize if I left anyone

Please pray that God would give us His favor, direction, guidance, wisdom
and protection as work to finalize the plans for SPLASH these last 6 weeks.

Also, we are praying for donations for some additional needs.  Please pray
that God would provide those finances so we can complete the task before us
for His glory!

Thank you, dear prayer partners, for your prayer support.  We can do ALL
things through Christ Jesus who gives us strength!

Blessings to you and yours
In His Service
Kathy Sherwin
Vicki Barnes

Monday, May 30, 2011

Satanic Imitations of God's Reality - something to think about

Satanic Imitations of God's Reality (Verses are from Revelation)

God's Reality Satanic Imitation
the real Trinity (Father, Son [Lamb], Spirit) 1:4–5 the false trinity (dragon, beast, false prophet) 16:13; 20:10
Lamb standing, as though it had been slain 5:6 many-headed beast with mortal wound healed 13:3
sealing of the saints 7:2–3 mark of the beast 13:16–18
Bride in white 19:7–8 prostitute in purple and scarlet 17:1–6

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

History of why Israel has a current legal right to the land they currently occupy. Israels Magna Carta.


Save this link and watch these videos over time.  This was a conference held last week that is very applicable to our "time".

Lee Daniel

My profiles: Facebook Flickr Twitter

Friday, May 13, 2011

With thoughts about Cindy and her battle here in this world but victory over death.. a must read

This is copied from her Caring Bridge page....  I don't think they would mind me sharing.  As you know we have been praying for Cindy and family for many months.  Cindy passed on this week, but I wanted everyone to have a chance to read this as many don't have access to "Caring Bridge" and most everyone has email.   (forgive me for bold facing some of her words, but I did not want anyone to miss the most moving part to me)

Her thoughts leading up to her death are truly amazing and a true testimony of salvation, but more than that notice her relationship she described and her "oneness" with God.  

I hope this blesses you as much as it did me.  



Background Story

first of all..I wish I had more than words to express how I feel. This last month was the most horrific month &the most wonderful month of my life. Sounds strange doesn't it, that someone who almost lost their life, was hooked up to almost every machine you could possibly be hooked up to, have 4 or 5 IV/post lines all in your body,&about 40 lbs. of fluid  they pumped in to save me, could possibly say that it was wonderful.   I will not lie to you, there were moments of terror, panic attacks & almost "lose your mind" moments, however, through the darkest valley, when I was not me, I could not find myself, there HE was, Jesus/God in all his glory, in EVERY aspect of my life, from the band of CHRISTIAN warriors that were my caregivers, who, when I was at my lowest, sat with me & prayed, comforted me with their faith & courage that I could do this.   And for Cliff, who is as close to perfect as any human can get, who was so terrified, scared, & trying to hold it all together, came our other band of angels on earth that took him in, sat with him, prayed with him, opened their home to him, fed him & generally kept him hanging on. My family &friends, though I was not able to see most of you, were there with steadfast prayer & comfort. And wow, once Lisa got my Caringbridge site up, the outpouring of love & prayers is an indescribable feeling, The one thing that has thrilled me the most is that 99.9% of the posts to my guestbook are from fellow Christians sharing their faith, scriptures &all out love of our GOD! This in itself is a testimony to our Lord.  I pray everyday that possibly someone might visit this site who is lost & realize that life is just our "temporary home" (my fav new song by Carrie Underwood) that lets us know this is just a stop on the road to where we're going.....our true home in heaven.  After about 3 weeks in critical care, where you are monitored 24/7 & things beep & nurses come & go ever 10 minutes, they moved me to a regular room. Quiet, calm, no monitors, no beeping, just peace. Well, I went to the bathroom to wash my face& when I looked into the mirror I just stared. Looking back at me was a body that for a good week or more was lost to me. I just looked for a moment & said "There you are, I've missed you!" I know that may sound a little silly but I had lost myself, mentally & physically because trying to fight for my life had become so overwhelming & I had to, truly for the first time in my life, LET GO!!!  Well, this time, being somewhat angry with God for all this, but still with my unshakable faith....I LET GO & HE WAS THERE!!!!   He took me over mind, body & soul.  I wasn't Cindy, He wasn't God, WE WERE ONE! How amazingly wonderful, incredible, unbelievable, indescribable is that!!!!  Boy, I'll tell you what, I wouldn't wish what I went through on anyone, but to have that experience, WOW, what a glorious, mind altering, life changing gift.  

For some of you reading this you may be struggling in life, whether it be sickness, marital problems, child rearing issues, work, finances, depression, etc.  I hope that my story will show you that no matter how low you are, God is there for you. We were never promised that our life on earth would be easy, without trials or tribulations, we would require no faith. I was lost, totally lost in my situation & he was there! My rock, my guide, my protector.  If you feel you are standing on a rock in the middle of the ocean & every is black around you, just open you heart, close your eyes & call for him, HE WILL BE THERE!  I promise you.  Just try it, you have nothing to lose but EVERYTHING to gain! This is my prayer for all of you precious people who have touched our lives. Cliff & I will never be able to truly express our total love for all of you, but we can say it with words...Thank God for you, our precious angels on earth. 

We still have a long road ahead...many uncertainties & questions, but for now, we will rest in the comfort of our family & friends & just let God continue to lead us! And as Tyler always says at the end of all prayers...& may we be mindful to always give God the glory & the praise..AMEN!!!

We love you
Cindy and Cliff

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fwd: Urgent Prayer Request for Mary Griffin and Family(Cindy Robertson)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Regina Daniel" <rldanielusa@yahoo.com>
Date: May 10, 2011 5:17 PM
Subject: Urgent Prayer Request for Mary Griffin and Family(Cindy Robertson)
To: "Lee Daniel" <harryldanieliii@gmail.com>
Cc: "Bill Cline" <bill.cline@gbc-cg.org>, "Bradley Baker" <bradley.baker@gbc-cg.org>

Please pray fervently for Mrs. Mary Griffin, her husband Ed and their family.  Their precious daughter, Cindy Robertson, is expected by doctor's to step into eternity within the next few hours.  Mary and Ed are on their way to Piedmont Hospital right now (5:10 PM) to be with her as she breaks free from this world (where she has suffered horribly) right into the arms of her Savior, Jesus Christ.  Please praise the Lord with this family that they know where Cindy will be the moment her soul leaves that hospital bed.  But also pray for strength for Cliff, her husband, and the rest of the family as they face these last few hours.  Truly Mrs. Mary has been an incredible witness of a strong faith in the Lord as she faces the worst possible situation a parent could ever face. 



Sunday, May 8, 2011

I found Mary. I was with her for a little while. Cindy has hours if
anything left. She is at piedmont in icu blue. Waiting on her husband to
sign the forms to let her go peacefully.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Workers are needed at Grace. All storm victims now are coming to Grace to
pick up items so basically we need "store" workers.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blog title...

Volunteers are beginning to be needed to help with cleaning up following last week’s storms in Bartow County. There is a large clean-up day scheduled for Saturday, May 7th, beginning at 8:30 am. Workers are to meet at Grace Baptist Church, 477 Old Cassville White Road, Cartersville, 30121. Wear long pants, work boots, or comfortable, closed toe shoes, work gloves, safety goggles, and bring any tools you think may be useful to clear large amounts of debris from property. The major requirement is a heart that is willing to serve.
Please call the hotline and let them know you are coming, so they can estimate the number of volunteers. The hotline number is 770-382-6652.
As of this time, donations of supplies are not needed – the drop off point is overwhelmed and needs time to sort and distribute. We will let you know when supplies will be accepted again.