I know this is longer than usual, but please read the text and notes below for this week.
As TIME marches on it is so apparent to me God is revealing truth in our lives (my life too) each and everyday through his word (when we go there anyway, hey, I am the chief sinner among sinners)
Please read this TIMEless (pun very much intended) passage from Ecclesiastes and ponder the thoughts below for this coming Sunday.
Wrestling with Life's Mysteries
Wrestling with Time (The "When" of "Stuff") or The Good, The Bad and The Ugly of What We "go through" during our life on earth.
Scriptures: Eccl. 3:1-14
Human nature causes us to embrace pleasant experiences as "meant to be" and unpleasant ones as mistakes or accidents. We easily assume that good things are supposed to come our way and that bad things should happen to other people. There is enough weak Bible teaching out there to convince many Christians that God wants them to be constantly happy and satisfied. But the reality of life tells us that we should expect both joy and sorrow; the Bible tells us that both come from God's hand. As much as we should face hardship in a trustworthy manner toward God, we should also be willing to weep with other believers as they share their burdens and heartaches with us.
So, what about the struggles and challenges we face as Christian adults;
- If everything is beautiful in God's timing, where is the beauty in your heartache?
- What is He teaching you in the midst of your disappointment?
- If you've ever found yourself able beyond your understanding to empathize with or pray for a fellow Christian over a certain issue, maybe it's time to thank God for that trial He brought you through.
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Dan Kassis
Internet Producer, Sunday School
LifeWay Christian Resources
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