Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sunday School Update for Oct. 5th

Verses This Week

Romans 1.18 - 32; 3.9 - 10

We are about to enter into a 7 week study in the book of Romans. I challenge everyone to please study at least the verses during the week prior to each Sunday. Pray and ask God to reveal Himself to you and discover what he is trying to speak to you as an individual.

I don't know about you, but in recent weeks I have felt under attack. I wonder sometimes if we walk around in a "masquerade" as an effort to not bring others down or just to be super private. I understand the need to keep things "private" but we should not try to be so private to our Lord. He already knows anyway.

Let's strive to be more transparent in our faith. The Book of Romans has a way of causing us to pause and examine our lives. Let's do so individually as well as a class and really DIG deep into The Word over the coming weeks.