Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Call on God for Great Things

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Dear Lee,

Prayers of faith have great power. They can conquer the unconquerable, overcome obstacles, accomplish the impossible, and vanquish the enemy.  The apostle Paul said that God is "able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us" (Ephesians 3:20). Like you, I feel the urgency to pray that God will save America.  It is a huge request, but God wants to do great things for His people. 

During the days of Jeremiah, He promises them restoration from the destruction of the Babylonians. He said, "I will bring Judah and Israel back from captivity and will rebuild them as they were before…Then this city will bring me renown, joy, praise, and honor before all nations on earth that hear of all the good things I do for it; and they will be in awe and will tremble at the abundant prosperity and peace I provide for it" (Jeremiah 33:7,9).

God wants to hear big prayers that seek to bring Him "renown, joy, praise and honor before all nations." Yes, God does want to hear our small prayers. He wants us to reveal our hearts to Him and share our concerns and hopes. Yet the prayers that seek to glorify God, to honor  Him, to further the work of His kingdom, to transform the hearts of nonbelievers, to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ, and to reveal His majesty—those are the prayers that are most powerful.

Let us join together this week and call on God for great things for our nation. May He prepare our hearts to be centered on prayers that seek His name and renown in America.

Please invite your family and friends to join us as we pray for America.  You can use the Share feature on www.godsaveourcountry.com to send an e-Card to them or to share God Save America on your Facebook or Twitter accounts. 

Share button for GSA

In Christ,

Michael Youssef, Ph.D. signature

Michael Youssef, Ph.D.


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Saturday, June 26, 2010

How do we get past our failures when we make bad decisions? Look at the
text and let's find out what God has to say to us.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Obama's 'two fathers' reference inappropriate


Lee Daniel
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Help Needed from the Grace Sunday School Class for Youth Going to New Orleans

Per Kim Epps, see below.  Help is needed for some deserts this weekend.  Please call or email Kim if you can help out. 


From: kim epps <kimepps78@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 5:23 PM
To: Lee Daniel <harryldanieliii@gmail.com>

Hey Lee,
I have a favor to ask you, since the spaghetti dinner has been changed to donations only, I was hoping our sunday school class would be willing to sponsor the desert table? Bradley told us to plan for 100 to 125 people. I know this is a lot to ask of our class, but I know that we can do it for our youth to spread the gospel in New Orleans and show the homeless that God loves them by providing essentials that we so often take for granted.
So what I am asking is if you are willing to help out, it will be greatly appreciated and maybe you have a friend or family member who would be willing to help too. You can e-mail me at kimepps78@hotmail.com or you can call me at 678-773-6204. I hope this is ok, please let me know.
Thank you so much,

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Sunday School Tomorrow - Breakfast is being served by Robin and Vivian. Come Hungry. Sunday School Notes below

When External Threats Come

1 Samuel 7

Be prepared to share: What is the oldest physical object that you possess? No wise cracks :)

  • Context. Recall last week. What happened to the Ark?
  • Compare 1 Samuel 6.19 with 7.2. They are sad in both places. What is the difference?
  • What is the difference between feeling sorry we sinned against God and sorry we got caught, or sorry we had to deal with the consequences?
  • What are the benefits of confessing our sin?
  • Is it enough to confess our sins personally, privately to God, or do we need to tell another human?
  • Verses 7 - 9. Does it seem appropriate to you that they ask Samuel to cry out to God for them? Why don't they go to God themselves?
  • Verse 9. What is the difference between crying out to God and praying?
  • Verse 11. Did God defeat the enemy, or did Israel have to do something? What do we learn about following God from this?
  • What does Ebenezer mean? How does your translation have it?
  • Let's pause and spend a few moments raising and Ebenezer. How has the Lord helped you?
  • What does it cost us if we don't remember all the times God has been faithful?
See you Tomorrow and again Happy Fathers Day !!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Please pray for Luke Daniel and our family.

We are on vacation in Florida. Luke had a terrible seziure and was taken to the hospital.   He is out know and seems ok other than being very tired.  We were very scared but trusting God.  All test were ok last night.  Still don't know why. More tests later. 

He was terrified and I can't get that moment out of my mind.  Pray I will be strong for him. God merciful he doesn't remember it. 

God is so good.  We are so blessed.  Thank you all so much.

Love. The Lee Daniel Family.