Thursday, January 27, 2011

SS Text and Lesson for this week - Psalm 1.1 – 3; 119.11 – 16; Mark 1.35 - 39

We will be discussing Prayer and Mediation this coming Sunday.  I have included a few questions for you to consider as you prepare for Sunday.

Psalm 1.1 – 3; 119.11 – 16; Mark 1.35 - 39

1.       Psalm 1.1. How does your translation have the word "blessed"? What does it meant to be blessed?

2.       Do you see a progression in the verbs in verse 1 — walk, stand, sit? What is the significance of this?

3.       What exactly does it mean to meditate?

4.       Psalm 119.11. What exactly does it mean to hide God's Word in your heart?

5.       Let's memorize Psalm 119.11. Let's say it three times together, then, let me get three of you to say it.

6.   What keeps you from spending time with God?

See you Sunday !!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

March 4th and 5th Disciple Now Homes needed

Remember the needs of homes for teens to stay in for Disciple Now Weekend.  It will be Friday night only and they can crash in your den.  You don't even have to feed them.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Sunday School Text and Thoughts for this Week - Luke 9 and Romans 12

We are back on tract this week with the scheduled lesson from Lifeway.  We are skipping the lesson that we missed last week as it was on Service and we adequately covered Christian service last week.

This week is about a "Lifestyle of Sacrifice"  The actual text for the lesson is from  Luke 9:23-24, 57-62 &  Romans 12:1-2.  I suggest you look at more than those verses though.  Read the entire chapter of each.

Our first Scripture passage from Luke 9 reminds us that Christianity is an all-or-nothing arrangement. We can't "try Jesus" the way we might try a lifestyle, a workout regimen, or a brand of breakfast cereal. In the first century, proclaiming that Jesus is Lord could easily get you killed.  

At the end of Romans 11 Paul explained to his readers that they, Gentile Christians, benefited spiritually from the hard hearts and disobedience of the Jews. In their disobedience, he wrote, the Gentiles had been opened up to God's mercy, and were grafted in to the vine of Israel. It's in light of those mercies that Paul exhorted the church in Rome to offer their bodies - all of them - as a single, living sacrifice to God.

As we examine both of these passages, look deep into the text and ask yourself, what does this mean to you?  What is God asking us to understand?  How does this apply to Christian Sacrifice?  What type of sacrifice or sacrifices are being asked of you by God?  If there is currently no sacrifice.... what does that mean?

Tommy will bring the lesson Sunday.   Please be in much prayer for all the needs in our church and class.  There are many.  Also, I will share some information Sunday regarding the "Pastor Search" procedures that you can expect in the coming days.  Please pray for the transition of our church.  God is at work !!!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Hollywood is listening ....

Ok, Christians, Hollywood is listening, they listen to the sound of money going in the register and debit cards being swiped at the ticket counter....  Support what we say we want in entertainment.  Mark your calendar.  Check out the trailer.

The Grace Card
  January 13, 2011
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THE GRACE CARD Opens February 25

In just six weeks, you will be able to see THE GRACE CARD as it opens in theaters across the country. A powerful story about grace and forgiveness, THE GRACE CARD has impacted church and business leaders that have seen early screenings of the film. Wanda says:
"This movie will make you angry, laugh, cry, hurt, and heal through the power... of grace and forgiveness."
Whenever we face forgiveness head on, life's missed opportunities are likely to be addressed as well. In a powerful scene from the movie, we watch officers Mac McDonald and Sam Wright begin to deal with regrets. Take a look ...

» Watch The Scene Here
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Theater Listing Now Available

A sure sign that opening day for a movie is fast approaching: the theaters that will be showing the film are officially booked. A list of the theaters where THE GRACE CARD opens on February 25 is now available at—and be sure to check back regularly as the list is updated.

While a movie about grace and forgiveness is sure to have a long-lasting impact, the film industry determines "success" based on how a movie does in its the first three days in theaters. That's why it is so important to gather some friends together and see THE GRACE CARD on opening weekend, February 25-27.

» Find a Theater Near You
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What Dr. Tony Evans and Others are Saying

Leaders that have seen THE GRACE CARD are excited about the film. Dr. Tony Evans, pastor, author of the new book Oneness Embraced, and president, is encouraging pastors to use the film to begin important conversations in their communities. (Check it out.)

Others are sharing their thoughts on Facebook:
"Very impressive! The acting was good, the story line was suspenseful and dramatic. It offers real-Word answers for real-world issues!" HIS Radio WRTP/WCEE

"This was one of the best—and most challenging—movies I've ever seen. I have had trouble with forgiveness my entire life, and last night my eyes were opened to the meaning of real grace! THANK YOU for being bold and presenting this message. I will be back February 25 and I am going to spread the word!" Sheila

"An amazing movie ... very powerful! Everyone must see this movie!" Greg

"This movie is a must see. It grabs your attention from beginning till end. It has something for everybody: action, comedy, love, and faith based." Candice

"This was a great movie. Did not expect the emotion that came." Terry
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A thought sent to me by Victoria today....

Pretty strong thoughts that we don't like to hear........ but a good word from a great man.

Reasoning Together--Being Reconciled One to Anther

Devotional thought from the messages of Adrian Rogers

Isaiah 1:18 - "Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD:
though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though
they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool."

Every rebel has a reason for his or her actions. You've probably heard a
young person say, "Well, my dad drinks, so I smoke pot." Do you know
what kind of reasoning that is? Brute beast reasoning, like Peter
mentions in 2 Peter 2:12. This young person doesn't think he has to obey
his father. And he further reasons, "He's not worthy of my obedience."
Do you know the only people who can demand perfect parents? Perfect
children. The only people who can demand a perfect pastor is a perfect
church member. The only person who can demand a perfect politician is a
perfect citizen!
There is never a license for rebellion. There are ways to reason
together in a church, home, and government.

A spirit of rebellion will bring a nation to its knees. Jesus gave His
life to reconcile us. Can you live otherwise?

Sunday School Text and Thoughts for this Week - Luke 14, John 13:1-17, Philippians 2:1-4

Specifically, we will be touching mainly on the following verses but for context, it would be good if you could read the full verses in the subject line of this email for proper context. 

Luke 14.7 – 11; John 13.3 – 5, 14 – 15; Philippians 2.1 - 4

We will continue our lessons about "Christian Lifestyles".  Last week Tommy presented the case very well that Unity is key, but what we unify on is the most important.  There was great discussion and this week I hope we have the same.  

This week is a focus on Humility and what that looks like within the body and within the individual.

Ask God to give you insight and search yourselves with this lesson.   Continue to pray for one another and remember those on our prayer board.  

Lee Daniel

My profiles: Facebook Flickr Twitter

Mysterious Bird and Fish Deaths - What Does It Mean? A very good interview.

Recommended video:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

RE: From Robins Facebook. Pray for them.

Thank you for your prayers. Lee was able to get them to Cartersville Medical Center- they couldn't get to Kennestone where her doctor is. But all went well and they welcomed Judah into the world yesterday afternoon. 7lbs 12oz and 21 inches long. He is beautiful. They are doing well and will be going home tomorrow (Wednesday). We are thankful that God kept them safe during the snow storm and watched over Lee as he drove through the mess.
Once again thank you for your prayers.
From: [] On Behalf Of Lee Daniel []
Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 7:47 AM
To: Lovingood, Teresa;;;;;;; Perry, Robin;;;;;;;;;;;;; Epps, Robert;;;;;;;;;;
Cc: SS Blog for Email Posting
Subject: From Robins Facebook. Pray for them.

My step daughter's husband called at 5am- full labor. Lee had to go get them and take them to the hospital. They are all safe and sound. Just waiting on the baby now! Robin

Monday, January 10, 2011

From Robins Facebook. Pray for them.

My step daughter's husband called at 5am- full labor. Lee had to go get them and take them to the hospital. They are all safe and sound. Just waiting on the baby now!    Robin

Monday, January 3, 2011

State of the Pulpit - Joel Osteen

Shared by Chris Nichol to me today. It is on spot with what we talked about yesterday. Take 10 minutes before the week is over and listen or watch what Mark Driscol of Mars Hill Church has to say. You will find it very interesting.