Wednesday, March 31, 2010

SS Text and Thoughts for this week - 1 Corinthians 15 - Read the Whole chapter

As you look at the scripture for this week we are going to look at the entire chapter of 1 Corinthians 15.  As you know this Sunday is Easter.  Come expecting to see a God move.  Remember we have been praying all over Bartow also.  Pray for the Harvest of lost coming to not only our church but other churches as well.  Now to the lesson.

Paul's passage focuses on 3 Resurrections
  1. Resurrection of Christ
  2. Resurrection of the Dead
  3. Resurrection of the Body
As you read the text, pray for wisdom and discernment and ask God to reveal things you may never have seen or thought of before.  Ask yourself the "tough" questions.  I plan on asking the class what some of those "tough" questions were that you asked of yourself.  Be prepared.  I pray God will use this lesson to make this Easter Sunday Morning special and prepare our hearts for worship and truth.

In addition to your own "tough" questions, take a look as some of these.
  1. What does Paul mean of, "abnormally born" in verse 8?
  2. How had the resurrection changed Paul?
  3. How has the grace of God effected you? How are you different because of grace?
  4. Verse 54. What difference does the resurrection make in our day-to-day lives?
  5. Ever talk to a believer just before they died? How did the hope of the resurrection affect them?
  6. Vere 58. What does "stand" mean in this context?

God Bless this week.  See you Sunday !!!

Follow these important resources

Day 17. Pray for those in the church that are in despair. Psalm 62:6

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It is day 16 for Pray Now Bartow. Thank you for praying. Pray today for the unemployed. Pray for the lost to hear the Word sunday.

Monday, March 29, 2010

please pray for the homeless of Bartow. There are over 23000 children and adults in GA each night. Bartow has its share also. Some were at revival last night.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

SS text for sunday - When worship dishonors God. 1 Corithians 11:17-34

Friday, March 26, 2010

The Sermon, Pastor Doug wants you to hear (see) if where not able to last
PNB Day 12 - pray for single parents today. pray that God will fill the hearts of singles

Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Tina just called and the cath is done. He had one blockage and they were
able to do a stent- he is now in ICU- Tina and the boys are headed there
Tracey just posted the following on the Grace Couples Class Facebook Wall.

Tracy posted something on your Wall and wrote:
> "Urgent prayer request- Tina Youngken just got a call from a co-worker of
> Brian's in Lousiana and Brian is in the ER and is activley having a heart
> attack- they are preparing to take him to the cath lab and see what needs to
> be done- This is Brett and Codys dad for those who may not know him since he
> works out of state- Tina will be driving there so pray for her safety too."

see grace couples wall for updates from Tracey
Investments are not what they where. The things of this earth are temporary. Pray that people of Bartow will invest their lives in Christ

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pray for the lost in Bartow county to begin a personal relationship with Christ.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pray that families that "don't have time" for God will "take time" for God. Pray for a supernatural harvest of God soon!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pray for young familes today. Text, twitter or facebook them today and invite them to attend church. Be sure and Share the gospel.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

New parents visiting

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®
Today is the day of Prayer for our County Rain or Shine, be comfortable
today and be ready for what God has for you.

God Bless

Today is the day of Prayer for our County Rain or Shine.

Today is the day of Prayer for our County Rain or Shine, be comfortable today and be ready for what God has for you.

God Bless

Saturday, March 20, 2010

We need 4 volunteers to help with logistics Sunday sending out our teams. Those volunteers can then go out with 2nd SS group. Text,email,FB or tweet if you can.

Help need for logistics with PNB tommorow

We need 4 volunteers to help with logistics Sunday sending out our teams. Those volunteers can then go out with 2nd SS group. Text,email,FB or tweet if you can.
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

SS Text & Thoughts - 1 Cor. 8:1-4, 7-13; 10:31-33 - Idols, Alcohol and Liberty.

Church Gone Wrong
Idols, Alcohol and Liberty
Scriptures: 1 Cor. 8:1-4, 7-13; 10:31-33

Following an introductory segment (ch. 1-4) extolling the gospel's virtues Paul dealt with a laundry list of sins and errors. As with every other specific issue Paul addressed food offered to idols and the overall themes of unity and humility is what he is addressing among others.

I think we can all agree that we have liberty through Jesus Christ, but how do we use that and what does that really mean?

Your thoughts on this......If we claim to have freedoms in the church..... (which we do), and it binds immature believes in legalism, then we have sinned?

Paul's dealing with this subject is an excellent example of how we are to interpret biblical practice. When reading a passage of Scripture such as this we must first understand what it meant to its original readers. This involves understanding the language. Anyone can learn Greek with enough effort (we don't have to thankfully as many intelligent experts have done that work for us). The next step is to find the over-arching principle behind that meaning. In the case of meat sacrificed to idols there is no direct correlation in our culture. So, what is the higher principal?  

  • Is it that we should refrain from exercising our freedom in Christ in ways that cause other believers to violate their Christian morals? 
  • Is self-denial a better alternative to disunity in the church? 

Let's look at alcohol.  How does we as Christians handle the issue of consuming alcohol as it related to this text?  We may not be able to related to consuming meat offered to idols, but consuming or abstaining from alcohol certainly applies in our modern world. So that being said, does engaging in that practice offend the sensibilities of a new convert.  What about a new convert from Islam, or from a cult such as Mormonism or the Jehovah's Witnesses. In all these cases, right or wrong by scripture, (liberty) such believers carry over long-held ideas that linger in their hearts.

Unity and humility glorify God when they come from a thankful heart. To be thankful for your salvation can manifest itself in a willingness to say no to something so that you make room in the body for a weaker brother.

  • What false notions or religious assumptions did you carry into your relationship with Christ?
  • How did they affect the way you saw your church, or individuals within it?
  • Did you see this kind of sensitivity displayed, or did others leave stumbling blocks in your path?
This lesson is not intended to be controversial, but to help us draw out the real meaning of what Paul was saying.  Pray God's words and thoughts will be spoken in class so we can delve into this oft controversial topic, much like it was in Paul's day.

Pray also for good weather for Pray Now Bartow and also Revival.

God Bless !!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Pray Now Bartow Prayer for Today

Twitter Link from
Pray for young families that are questioning the relevance of the things of God. Matthew 6:33

Pray for young families that are questioning the relevance of the things of God. Matthew 6:33

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Nursery and children workers will be available for the Prayer Walkers and
Riders. Rain or Shine, we are still on people of Grace.

SPEAK UP for the Chinese Church

Stop the Demolition of a Chinese Church

The Voice of the Martyrs


Magazine CoverDear Friend,

I am writing this e-mail as an urgent call for you to speak up for our brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ who have been silenced by the Chinese government.

More than 50,000 members of the Linfen Church network in China are suffering today after an unprecedented attack on one of their many branch churches. In September 2009, Chinese authorities raided a branch of the Linfen Church in Fushan, demolishing buildings and injuring more than 100 church members. Weeks later, church leaders were arrested and sentenced to prison.

Now the Chinese government plans to demolish the network's flagship church, the Jindengtang (Golden Lamp) Church building in Shanxi province. The church, which was recently constructed to house the Linfen network's growing congregation, can seat as many as 5,000 people.

Help prevent the Chinese government from destroying the Golden Lamp Church building!

Join with VOM and ChinaAid Association in a campaign to prevent the demolition of this church building. Perhaps together, our voices can help save a church building that has meant so much to our persecuted brothers and sisters in this part of China.

How you can help:

  1. PRAY. The Linfen Christians are asking their brothers and sisters around the world to join their fervent prayer that God will soften the hearts of government officials and save their church building from demolition.
  2. CALL OR WRITE to Chinese government officials. Remind them that Christians are NOT a threat to their country, but are in fact loyal citizens who love their country and pray for their leaders. Call or write to:

    Land Resources Bureau of Yaodu District, Linfen City
    Tel: +86-357-201-3263

    Yaodu District People's Government contact:
    Tel: 86-357-222-8559

    The Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C.
    Tel: (202) 328-2500

  3. CALL OR WRITE to your congressman, U.S. senators, and the White House. Ask our government officials to contact Chinese officials and speak out on behalf of the Linfen Christians. (You can find information on how to contact your elected officials here.)

Red BannerHistory of the Linfen Church

The Linfen Church network is an unregistered church in China that includes 50,000 members who meet in 30 different locations. The church traces its history back to the mission work of Hudson Taylor's China Inland Mission. One branch of the church, in Fushan, was demolished by government officials last September. Ten of the church's top leaders are currently in prison or labor camps, some sentenced to as much as seven years on the dubious charge of "disrupting local traffic order."

Now government officials have threatened to tear down the Linfen network's flagship church, the Golden Lamp Church. This large church, with its towering steeple and cross that stand out over the city of Linfen, was built with verbal approval from local officials but without official permission from China's Communist religious authorities. An official from the Land Resources Bureau has told a China Aid contact that the church will be destroyed.

Following the attack in Fushan, the Golden Lamp Church was surrounded by military police, and church members have been barred from using the 5,000-seat church.

NOW IS THE TIME to pray for and speak out on behalf of our brothers and sisters in China. Please add your voice to this rising chorus for justice.

Thank you for standing with us, and with them.

For those in bonds,
Tom White
Tom White
Executive Director

If you would like to view a list of resources on the persecuted church and online specials from VOM, please visit

This online offer is being presented by The Voice of the Martyrs. For additional information, you may contact us by clicking here or calling our order line at 800-747-0085. To view our privacy policy, click here.

If you do not wish to receive these occasional offers, simply indicate here to remove your name from this list.


Connect with VOM


Pray that God will become priority for the "The Midland Crowd" Young married conservatives in Bartow. Many take pride in things

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thank you to the ladies of our class for the clothing items for the children (victims of the fire) this week.

The clothing has been very appreciated.  Our SS class was very generous.  Thank you so much on behalf of the family.

God Bless !!!

Code Blue for Life or for Health Care? Which will it be? GA Right to Life

Rep. John Barrow (D-GA 12) possibly a "flipper."
Please call him and tell him to remain a NO vote!
Dear Pro-life Friend
We wanted to bring to your attention that NRLC has Rep. Barrow listed as a "Potential No-Yes Flip" on the health care vote.  We need Rep. Barrow to vote against the Senate health care bill -- we can't afford to lose his vote.
Georgia Right to Life 
Code Blue for Life or Health Care?
It's here at last, the final showdown on the health care debate!  All of our hard work has brought us to this critical point in the legislative road and we must not fail to do our duty!  Innocent lives are depending upon us now!

It is imperative that you call or fax your Member of Congress this week, today if possible!  Even if you have called before about these issues, it is necessary to call again.

The Senate health care is, in the words of the National Right to Life Committee, "the most pro-abortion bill to ever come to the House floor for a vote".  It must not pass!

This is not the time to grow weary.  Not only will this bill use federal money to pay for abortions, it will enact severe restrictions on the kinds of medical care available to the elderly and the vulnerable.  Put simply, this is a deadly bill!

Please call your Member of Congress today and help Georgia Right to Life make a deafening noise in Washington along with millions of pro-life people from around the USA

To find your representative's information you can visit the NRLC website. Or i
f you click here, it will take you to a page that lists all the Georgia Representatives.  Click on your representative name and it will take you to their information.  Finally, if you don't know your representative's name, you can put your zipcode in here, and it will tell you.

Please pass this note on to your pro-life family and friends.  Let your voices be heard for the sake of the little ones!


donate button

Thank you for subscribing to our Alerts.  This shows us your support and we appreciate it.  Please help us to expand this important ministry by forwarding this alert to your friends and family who are of like mind (no matter where they are) and by donating to Georgia Right to Life. 


You can use the blue button above and you will be redirected to our secure server.  Or you can call the office at 770-339-6880 to donate by credit card.  Finally, you can mail a check to GRTL at PO Box 927, Lawrenceville, GA 30046.




Georgia Right to Life promotes respect and effective legal protection for all human life from its earliest biological beginning through natural death.  GRTL is one of a number of organizations that have adopted Personhood as the most effective pro-life strategy for the 21st century.

Bartow will grow by 15% by 2013. Growth brings traffic and infrastructure issues but new people. Ask God to show you how to pray for new people you meet each day.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pray for those in Bartow without friends or family. Ask God to show you how to be a friend or surrogate family member to them. Show them Jesus when the door is open.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Day 1 - Prayer need for Pray Now Bartow

Pray Now Bartow Prayer for Today

About 80% of the population of Bartow County does not attend a church.  That means about 77,600 do not have a church to provide them support.  Many of those do not have a personal relatoinship with God.

Pray that God will send someone to witness to them.  Remember to pray specifically by name for those that you know personally who are lost.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

When you are down and feeling blue ....

God was in it all. He was working out His plans and purposes; not a single event was random or haphazard. As Joseph told Pharaoh when discussing the dream of the seven years of plenty and of famine, "The thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass" (Genesis 41:32).

Nothing in today's headlines or in our personal experience is random or haphazard. The Most High rules in the affairs of men. Current events seem out of control, but history is His-story, and God is working out all things according to the counsel of His will (Ephesians 1:11). 

Don't be discouraged! The most trivial and the most important, the most likely and the most unlikely, circumstances are made to minister to the development of God's purposes.

 C. M. Mackintosh

Friday, March 12, 2010

SS Text and Thoughts - Immorality in the Church? - 1 Cor. 5:1-2, 9-13; 6:15-20

Church Gone Wrong
When Immorality Comes to Church
Scriptures: 1 Cor. 5:1-2, 9-13; 6:15-20

There is immorality in the church.  Does that statement shock you?  Should you be shocked?  What was Paul dealing with in Corinth.  Let's look at what He instructed the Corinthians to do.  We may also explore some other areas as well.

After you read the lesson text and pray, consider the following:  When there is a brother or sister in Christ that is exercising immorality that is known, What is the role of the church?  Or better yet, what is your role?  Do you have a role at all or should you "mind your own business"?

Do you believe in Church Discipline?  The church, at times, must exercise discipline toward members who have sinned.   But church discipline must be handled carefully, straightforwardly, and lovingly.

Steps (Matthew 18:15-17)

  1. Go to the brother or sister who sinned; show the fault to him or her in private.
  2. If he or she does not listen, go with one or two witnesses.
  3. If he or she refuses to listen, take the matter before the church.

After the above steps have been carried out, is it Biblical to do the following afterwards?

  1. Remove the one in error from the fellowship
  2. The church gives united disapproval, but forgiveness and comfort are in order if he or she chooses to repent
  3. Do not associate with the disobedient person, and if you must, speak to him or her as one who needs a warning
  4. After two warnings, reject the person from the fellowship
Your thoughts?

Pray for this Sunday at the youth are leading the services and many of them are teaching classes this week.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Prayer needed for 3 month old - Peyton Norris, Jerry and Lee Norris's grandchild

Lee called to request prayer for Jerry's grand daughter.  Apparently she may have leukemia.  We have had Jerry's son on our prayer board for salvation in recent months.  Lee reported that Jerry's son, Chris Norris became a Christian several weeks ago.

Pray for them as they go through this trial.

Follow these important resources on twitter, blogspot and facebook

Clothes needed for Family - House Fire

Holly Morris, our personal lines manager has a friend whose house was burned. (see below).  We are putting out a call for the following items of clothes.  If you have anything that fits the description below, please bring it Sunday morning to SS and I will bring it to Holly on Monday to give to the family.  Also, pray for this family as they are going through this trial.  May God show His glory through this.

Thanks much.

Lee Daniel


From: Holly Morris <>
Date: Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 11:27 AM
Subject: Clothes needed for Family - House Fire

A friend of mine's house caught on fire yesterday afternoon.   Her 3-yr old boy climbed the pantry shelves to get the lighter off the top shelf so he could make a campfire just like his daddy did the week before; only Chase used crayons and made the campfire in the rec room.   Needless to say, by the time he showed Angie, the flame was higher then the back of the couch. 

 The side of the house where the rec room was is destroyed and the rest of the home has severe smoke/water damage.

Angie has tried to wash the kids' clothes, but is unable to get the smoke out.  ServPro is handling the restoration, but it will take some time for them to get the clothes clean.   Listed below are the kids' sizes if you know of anyone that could donate clothes to this family.  

Boy/3 yrs old:

            - Top: size 4T

            - Bottoms: 3T

            - Shoes: 9 ½  - 10


Girl/ 7 yrs old:

            - Size: 6/7

            - Shoes:  13 or 1


Boy/ 10 yrs old:

            - Size 8/10

            - Shoes: 6 ½ boys


Girl/ 14 yrs old:

            - Jeans:  1 / 2

            - Tops: Small/ Medium

            - Shoes: 8 or  8 ½



Any help is greatly appreciated.






Holly Morris

Personal Lines Manager

Harry Daniel Insurance

P.O. Box 2077

Cartersville, GA  30120

770-382-8954 ext. 110

Fax # 770-386-4081










Monday, March 8, 2010

Links to Sites Recommended at Men's Conference this year at FBW

Following are links to websites recommended at the Men's Conferences this year.

1.  Time sensitive: Sunday School in HD featuring Pastor Johnny Hunt, Allan Taylor, Ken Hamm and others will be conducted March 11-12, 2010.  Register now!

2.  Jeff Riley's "Sounds Like Redemption"

3.  Cruise with a Cause featuring Pastor Johnny Hunt, NewSong, Casting Crowns, Pastor Jentsen Franklin and Others:

4.  Speakers:
Steve Hale ( is an author, evangelist and speaker in high demand for revivals and a variety of different conferences on such topics as the family, men's conferences, Bible prophecy, and Truth Decay based on his recent book regarding the erosion of traditional values in our beloved nation.

Dennis Nunn ( is a Staff Evangelist at First Baptist Woodstock,  Founder and President of Living the New Life Ministries in Dallas, Georgia and has served for over 30 years as a pastor, revivalist, evangelist and Bible teacher.

Bob Reccord ( is a nationally recognized speaker, author, and consultant and the Executive Director for the Council for National Policy (CNP), a non-profit educational foundation based in Washington, D.C. CNP's mission is to restore and sustain American freedom by providing a forum for business, civic, national, defense, educational, and religious leaders to deepen their understanding of the great spiritual, economic, constitutional, and national security issues confronting the nation.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Prayer needed for the Peters.

Just got word Victoria has H1N1   PRAY for her and Eddie and that Eddie is protected. 

On Mar 5, 2010 11:12 AM, "Lee Daniel" <> wrote:

This weeks topic is a particularly interesting one.  "Church gone wrong"  How could it be that a Church could do "Church" wrong?  Has this ever happened in the past at a church you attended?  Has this ever happened in the bible?  If so, what does God have to say to us about it? .... and What exactly is Church doing "Church" wrong?

Take at look at the text this week and see what Paul had to say in 1st Corinthians

1 Corinthians 1.10 - 29; 3.1 - 4

  1. What is Paul's appeal in verse 10? How does your translation have it?
  2. Is he saying he wants everyone to think the same?
  3. What things must we think the same one, and on what things are we free to disagree on?
  4. Are differences of opinion a problem in church?
  5. Why is arguing so popular? What is the fun? What is the attraction?
  6. Why is division in the church so harmful?
  7. Verse 12. Why the tendency for Christian groups to split and form new churches and new denomination?
  8. 1 Corinthians 3.1. The old King James uses the word carnal in this verse. What does it mean to be carnal? How does your translation have it?
  9. Verse 2. What is the difference between milk and solid food?
Pray for each other and the worship service this week.  Please continue to pray for revival.

SS Lesson and Text for this week - 1 Corinthians 1.10 - 29; 3.1 - 4 (also remember it is homecoming this Sunday)

This weeks topic is a particularly interesting one.  "Church gone wrong"  How could it be that a Church could do "Church" wrong?  Has this ever happened in the past at a church you attended?  Has this ever happened in the bible?  If so, what does God have to say to us about it? .... and What exactly is Church doing "Church" wrong?

Take at look at the text this week and see what Paul had to say in 1st Corinthians

1 Corinthians 1.10 - 29; 3.1 - 4

  1. What is Paul's appeal in verse 10? How does your translation have it?
  2. Is he saying he wants everyone to think the same?
  3. What things must we think the same one, and on what things are we free to disagree on?
  4. Are differences of opinion a problem in church?
  5. Why is arguing so popular? What is the fun? What is the attraction?
  6. Why is division in the church so harmful?
  7. Verse 12. Why the tendency for Christian groups to split and form new churches and new denomination?
  8. 1 Corinthians 3.1. The old King James uses the word carnal in this verse. What does it mean to be carnal? How does your translation have it?
  9. Verse 2. What is the difference between milk and solid food?
Pray for each other and the worship service this week.  Please continue to pray for revival.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Prayer Request - MaryJon Battles (Paul Battles) & Cindy Roberson (Mary Griffin's Daughter)

Please remember both of these ladies in your prayers.  MaryJon will be having a heart cath on Friday of this week due to some chest pains she has been experiencing.  MaryJon is the wife of Paul Battles and ALSO the aunt of Kelly Turner.    Cindy Roberson will be having a heart cath on Monday of next week.  She is being evaluated for a liver transplant and it is very important that her test goes well.  Otherwise, she will not be approved for the transplant that is desperately needed. 

Thanks for your prayers.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Last Days ............

This is an excerpt taken from Joel Rosenberg’s Blog.

>> Massive, catastrophic 8.8 earthquake in Chile triggers tsunami warnings throughout the Pacific — including Hawaii – and raises more yet questions about whether we are living in the last days, in light of other critical events in the past week.

>> MSNBC headline: “Big quake question: Are they getting worse? Seismic shockers are to be expected, but planet seems to be more active”

>> U.S. Geological Survey: Magnitude 5.0+ earthquakes in last 7 days

Q: What does the Bible teach about the second coming of Jesus and something called “the Rapture”?

A: The Bible describes two separate and distinct future events, both of which are often described as the Second Coming. The first event is what Bible scholars call the Rapture. In 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, the apostle Paul writes that “the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord.” In this passage, Paul is describing an event in which Jesus Christ will not physically, literally touch down on the earth but will first come “in the clouds” and snatch away His true followers from the earth in an instant of time. Those who have not chosen to follow Christ, those who have not been “born again,” will remain behind on the earth and will have to go through a terrible time of wars, famines, natural disasters, and divine judgments known as the Tribulation.

The second event occurs at the end of the Tribulation. This is when the Bible teaches that Jesus will physically, literally return to earth, destroy His enemies, and set up His own righteous government based in Jerusalem. He will reign on earth for one thousand years. In Revelation 19:11–20:6, the apostle John writes, “I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and wages war. His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many diadems; and He has a name written on Him which no one knows except Himself. He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. . . . He will rule [the nations]. . . . And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years, and he threw him into the abyss. . . . And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God . . . and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. . . . Blessed and holy is the one who has a part in the first resurrection. . . . They will be priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for a thousand years.”

Q: Are there any signs that will indicate when the return of Jesus Christ is close at hand, and if so, what are they?

A: One day while Jesus and His disciples were sitting on the Mount of Olives, overlooking the city of Jerusalem, the disciples asked Him this very question. Their query is recounted in Matthew 24:3.

“Tell us,” they said, “what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”

Jesus could have refused to answer the question. Instead, He answered them at great length and detail. His answers are recorded in Matthew chapter 24 and in Luke chapter 21, and they provide a checklist of signs to watch for.

Among them:

Revolutions (Luke 21:9, NIV)
The rise of false prophets and false messiahs (Matthew 24:4-5, 11, 23-27)
Wars and rumors of wars (Matthew 24:6)
Nations rising against nations (Matthew 24:7)
Kingdoms rising against kingdoms (Matthew 24:7)
Famines (Matthew 24:7)
Plagues (Luke 21:11)
Earthquakes (Matthew 24:7) and “great earthquakes” (Luke 21:11)
“Terrors” that lead to “men fainting from fear” (Luke 21:11, 26)
Persecution of the believers (Matthew 24:9)
Apostasy and betrayal of one another (Matthew 24:10)
Increasing lawlessness (Matthew 24:12)
People’s love for one another growing cold (Matthew 24:12)
“The roaring of the sea and the waves” (Luke 21:25)
The good news (the gospel) of Christ’s love and forgiveness will be preached “in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations”—even Muslim nations, even Radical nations—“and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14)

Jesus cautioned His followers not to speculate on the exact time of the Rapture or the Second Coming. In Matthew 24:36, He said that “of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” But “day and hour” is a very narrow slice of time. By giving us at least fifteen other specific signs that would be happening in the last days, Jesus clearly wanted us to know when the time of His return was rapidly approaching.

Why? He gave the answer in Matthew 24:42, when He said, “Therefore, be on the alert.” He reinforced the point in the next verse, when again He urged His followers to be “on the alert.” In Matthew 24:44, He stressed this critical point for a third time. “You also must be ready,” He insisted, “for the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will.”

Followers of Jesus Christ who study these signs are coming to the conclusion that they are being fulfilled today and that we are, in fact, living in the last days. They are, after all, living through revolutions, wars and rumors of wars, and horrifying persecution, for starters.

They have no idea precisely when Jesus will return, of course. But given how closely world events are tracking with Bible prophecy, they find themselves increasingly motivated to “be ready” by living lives of holiness, by sharing the gospel with Muslims and nominal Christians, by making disciples of all nations, and by planting new church congregations throughout the region.

Pray Now Bartow Today


Please pray for the children of our local Children Shelters today and children in Foster Care in Bartow County. RT to your followers

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Are we ready ?


R we ready for the battles that are before us.Will we take them on under our own strength or through Gods? What are we going to do different

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