Monday, August 23, 2010

Fwd: FW: gale is in her home (Missionary in Lebanon)

Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 3:01 PM
Subject: gale is in her home


Dear Precious co-Laborers in the Great Commission Task at FBCW,


Gale is in heaven.  She left us at 10:25 PM Saturday PDT /  8:25 AM Sunday Lebanon time.  She is free and in the care of our Almighty King and Savior who identified Himself as I AM.


The last few days became increasingly difficult.  My heart ached for Gale watching her physical body deteriorate.  In the last hours, she was unable to speak or swallow as she breathed with difficulty.  Her most frequent words before she stopped communicating were:  "I want to be with Jesus."  Elijah, Liz, Boulos, and I were with her praying, singing, and reading Scripture as she left us for the Kingdom that has no end.


There will be a memorial service for Gale in Moscow, Idaho on Tuesday afternoon, August 24thOn Friday August 27th  at 2 PM we will have a memorial service in Tacoma (Steilacoom), Washington.  The service will be at Oberlin Church, 1603 Rainier Street, Steilacoom, WA. 98388



Thank you for the many ways you have supported us during this difficult time.  Gale's departure has broken my heart.  I am so thankful for our loving King who cares for us.

"The LORD is near to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in spirit."  Psalm 34:18  The work we do in the Middle East is not over………. Much remains and I am confident that our Redeemer will lead us in this task. 


With love and gratitude,


David + Elijah and Liz


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Missionary in Lebanon we are praying for - Gale update (dieing of cancer)

 This is actual email from her Husband David.  Last names removed for safety of those in Lebanon.



Gale can no longer use her legs.  Her right arm is nearly limp as well.  The pain in her lower abdomen is a concern.  Apparently it's a tumor(s) … and this is uncomfortable.  It is a joy to serve Gale at this time and we really have no complaints.  Yes, it's a bit hard at times but isn't it amazing how God brings blessings right in the midst of such tough times?

This morning Gale seems especially tired… she even said something like, "It may be my time to depart."  We are being cared for by local believers who soooooo kindly bring meals every 3rd day…….. and sometimes more often.  They also drop by to sit with Gale so I can run errands.  We are sensing the love of the body of Christ.

I'll keep you posted.  I know Elijah and Liz are hoping to come fairly soon.  Our old friend / adopted son -- Boulos is here with us.

Love to you,  David



Thursday, August 5, 2010

Prayer Request from Vivian for her friend Terry (he is currently on our prayer board)

Please see below from Vivian

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Vivian Culpepper <>
Date: Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 3:58 AM
Subject: Prayer Request

I have had Terry, a coworker and friend of mine for the last 30 years, on our prayer board in Sunday School for the last several months.  I had an email correspondence from his wife on Wednesday that he is not doing well and asking for prayer.  He is to see his oncologist on Thursday (today) to determine what, if any, course of treatment to pursue.  Please ask our class to lift Terry and his family up in prayer.  As I mentioned, Terry is married.  They have 2 sons that are 23 and 21 and in college.  Terry's mother is also still alive and lost Terry's brother a few years ago to cancer.  Thanks.  Vivian

Tuesday, August 3, 2010