Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Update on Josh


We wanted to update everyone as soon as possible on the results of Josh's biopsy.  Some of you may already know via Facebook and Twitter, but yesterday we went back to the Doctor to get the results.

Josh's tumor is benign.  It does have what they would call lymphatic cells in it, but there is no cancer present.  ZERO.... The doctors are stunned/surprised.  We have gone from everyone, all doctors being pretty much sure (90%) that he had cancer to this today.  Wow  and thank you God is all we can say.

Now what.... The tumor is literally laying against the aorta and tucked under the breastbone kinda between the heart and the lung.  Due to it's location and it being benign the best treatment for now is to leave it alone.  To quote the doctor, "the surgery is risky to remove it, and they could, but with it being benign, there is no need to risk complications, infection, etc....."  Another thing to be thankful of.  Apparently even benign tumors can present problems.

He will have several scans in the next couple of years at least at about 4 - 9 month intervals to be sure it is not growing or constricting the aorta or pressing against any other organs.  We are very comfortable with this as well as Josh.  God is so good and we know he could have chosen to do something different, but we are very grateful of where we are today with this deal.

It has been one of the most humbling times of our life to know so many people have lifted our family up in prayer with both of our boys. Luke is doing well and Josh is back at school and has only missed a couple of games this season.  

We have been amazed that literally people have been praying across the globe for us.  You guys are very special to our family and we a very blessed to have family at Grace !!!!

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers and words of encouragement.  You will never know how a quick text message, email, voicemail, phone call, facebook, twitter or whatever means to someone till you have been in need of encouragement and prayer at a crossroad like this.  Again, thank you all so much.

Love In Christ,

Lee and Regina Daniel and family

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