Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Mechanics of Forgiveness - something to share today

The Mechanics of Forgiveness 


"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:31-32 NIV


Forgiveness is quite possibly one of the most inflammatory issues that can confront anyone  and yet healing and freedom demands it, God requires it, and the Holy Spirit makes it possible.


We can be caught up in the following dilemmas:


  • "Should I forgive if I don't see repentance?"
  • "Isn't there a need for repentance before forgiveness?"  
  • "Do I have to forgive a person if they refuse to change?"
  • "What if they continue to hurt me? Do I continue to forgive?"
  • "I am in too much pain to forgive them."
  • "What they did was too egregious to forgive. They don't deserve it."

 As I understand God's purpose of forgiveness, He seems to have a goal that is three fold:


  1. A spiritual freedom in surrendering to God the need for judgment, revenge and punishment of the offender.
  2. A positioning of both the offended and the offender to experience a process of letting go of the past event and moving toward a personal inner healing and walking in the Spirit.
  3.  Reconciliation and restoration of relationship, if possible.
This was borrowed from an email received today.  Feel free to share it.

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