Wednesday, January 27, 2010

SS Text and Thoughts for This week - Ecclesiastes 2.17 - 26; 5.18 - 20 - Wrestling with Work

Unit: Wrestling with Life's Mysteries
Lesson: Wrestling with Work

How many of us struggle with what we do for a living?  Do we ask ourselves "Why we work" and for "What purpose we work?".  Solomon seemed to struggle with some of the same thoughts. 

If all there is to work is earning a paycheck that will be spent within two weeks, then feelings of futility would be expected. Without a biblical world-view we can never know the true satisfaction of working well in God's sight.

Have you ever heard believers say that work is a result of man's fall?

Is that a complete assessment?  Take a look at Genesis 2 and see what you think. Did God give Adam a task (work) before even Eve was created? -  If so, what where they? 

What did work become after the Fall? - See Genesis 3 
Many of us struggle with trying to find significance in our work, yearning toward our "true calling." It's great if we find it, but would it be better while we strive toward that goal to also accept what God's hand has given us and use the money we earn to serve His kingdom? Remember: The daily tasks of providing for your family, being a steward of your possessions, and paying your bills on time honors God, too.  Just something to think about.

Lets look at the text and see what God's Word has to say about this very subject.
  1. Ecclesiastes 2.17. How is Solomon feeling? Ever feel this way?
  2. What makes work grievous and what makes it enjoyable?
  3. To what degree do you find satisfaction in your work? What would it take for you to find satisfaction in your work?
  4. What job did you most dislike?
  5. If you go back and make one different decision regarding your career, what would it be?
  6. Other than it is just more fun, what are the benefits of finding a job that you really enjoy?
  7. If you could change one thing about your current job- other than the pay- what would it be?
  8. What does Solomon really mean by verse 2:24 verse?
  9. Ecclesiastes 5.18 - 20. How would you summarize the meaning of life from this passage?
  10. Is it easy or hard to accept your lot in life? In what way are you tempted to not accept your lot in life?
Please pray for the lesson as your prepare this week.  God has something for us in this lesson.  I'm not sure for who, but he does.   Pray that we will have the wisdom and discernment to see it with spiritual eyes. 

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