Friday, March 5, 2010

Prayer needed for the Peters.

Just got word Victoria has H1N1   PRAY for her and Eddie and that Eddie is protected. 

On Mar 5, 2010 11:12 AM, "Lee Daniel" <> wrote:

This weeks topic is a particularly interesting one.  "Church gone wrong"  How could it be that a Church could do "Church" wrong?  Has this ever happened in the past at a church you attended?  Has this ever happened in the bible?  If so, what does God have to say to us about it? .... and What exactly is Church doing "Church" wrong?

Take at look at the text this week and see what Paul had to say in 1st Corinthians

1 Corinthians 1.10 - 29; 3.1 - 4

  1. What is Paul's appeal in verse 10? How does your translation have it?
  2. Is he saying he wants everyone to think the same?
  3. What things must we think the same one, and on what things are we free to disagree on?
  4. Are differences of opinion a problem in church?
  5. Why is arguing so popular? What is the fun? What is the attraction?
  6. Why is division in the church so harmful?
  7. Verse 12. Why the tendency for Christian groups to split and form new churches and new denomination?
  8. 1 Corinthians 3.1. The old King James uses the word carnal in this verse. What does it mean to be carnal? How does your translation have it?
  9. Verse 2. What is the difference between milk and solid food?
Pray for each other and the worship service this week.  Please continue to pray for revival.

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