Wednesday, March 31, 2010

SS Text and Thoughts for this week - 1 Corinthians 15 - Read the Whole chapter

As you look at the scripture for this week we are going to look at the entire chapter of 1 Corinthians 15.  As you know this Sunday is Easter.  Come expecting to see a God move.  Remember we have been praying all over Bartow also.  Pray for the Harvest of lost coming to not only our church but other churches as well.  Now to the lesson.

Paul's passage focuses on 3 Resurrections
  1. Resurrection of Christ
  2. Resurrection of the Dead
  3. Resurrection of the Body
As you read the text, pray for wisdom and discernment and ask God to reveal things you may never have seen or thought of before.  Ask yourself the "tough" questions.  I plan on asking the class what some of those "tough" questions were that you asked of yourself.  Be prepared.  I pray God will use this lesson to make this Easter Sunday Morning special and prepare our hearts for worship and truth.

In addition to your own "tough" questions, take a look as some of these.
  1. What does Paul mean of, "abnormally born" in verse 8?
  2. How had the resurrection changed Paul?
  3. How has the grace of God effected you? How are you different because of grace?
  4. Verse 54. What difference does the resurrection make in our day-to-day lives?
  5. Ever talk to a believer just before they died? How did the hope of the resurrection affect them?
  6. Vere 58. What does "stand" mean in this context?

God Bless this week.  See you Sunday !!!

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