Monday, December 13, 2010

Devotional This Morning a Must Read & Video, Retooning the Nativity from Yesterday....below devotional

December 13, 2010

Our Focus in Life

By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

     When we understand that the enemy is sly and that he attacks us from many different angles, we will be able to fend him off much better. When attacks are blatant against our lives, they are easy to spot.

     Maybe your marriage has become rocky or you are facing financial problems. Maybe you have stopped going to church because you were hurt by someone there. Maybe you have experienced the pain of a losing a loved one who died unexpectedly.

     If we hold on to the hand of God through life's most difficult trials, we have not escaped sin's assault on our soul just yet. In an attempt to quench our passion for God and slowly steal away our intimacy with the Lord, the enemy will try to lure our focus and attention elsewhere. He may tempt you to think of things that are not overtly sinful, but the problems come when your attention does not rest on God--and that can be destructive.

     As we peer into our hearts, we must be diligent to rid our lives of things that do not point to God first and foremost. Is desiring to have a better life sinful? No, it is not. However, when our focus in life becomes to upgrade our lifestyles, shifting us away from God, it does become sinful.  Throughout life, we are faced with numerous decisions, many of which are costly by the world's standards if the right decision is made. Yet, nothing in life will ever be as satisfying as following the Lord.

     No matter how many things we obtain in life, no matter how many promotions we get, no matter how much fame and popularity we have--these things pale in comparison to the hope and joy we find in a relationship with Christ.

     Prayer: Lord, please help me to keep my focus on You and You alone.

For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God (Psalm 86:10).

Retooning the Nativity

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