Tuesday, May 4, 2010

SS Insights for May 9 - Genesis 2.23 - 25; Malachi 2.13 - 16; Matthew 9.3 - 12

Text for this Sunday: Genesis 2.23 - 25; Malachi 2.13 - 16; Matthew 9.3 - 12

Critics of the Genesis account of creation claim that chapters 1 and 2 are nothing more than allegory or poetry - that they were never meant to be taken literally. Yet experts in the ancient manuscripts agree there's nothing about the writing style to suggest these chapters are anything other than straightforward narrative. That is, until you arrive at 2:23. It's there that the sight of Eve in Adam's eyes inspired man's first creative oratory. Men have been trying for millennial to describe the emotions women cause them - usually without success. There's no reason to deny the fact that God made men and women to feel attracted to each other's appearances, mannerisms, and personality traits. We should be grateful He gave us that. But thankfully there's so much more to the complexities of our married relationships!

Single or Married, this lesson has something for you.  Explore God's word in the text above and come prepared for a discussion of both Old Testament and New Testament thoughts.

Please pray for the requests we put on the board this week.  Also, pray for your Pastor.  Brother Doug was unable to attend the Mayor Commissioner Prayer Luncheon at the Civic Center today as he was sick.

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