Friday, May 28, 2010

SS Text for the week - Psalm 51 | Song of Songs 2 | Acts 18 | Romans 16

Text: Psalm 51 | Song of Songs 2 | Acts 18 | Romans 16

Nothing helps keep a marriage strong like keeping short accounts. In the same way bringing your sins to God in repentance quickly is a good spiritual habit, so is facing your spouse to confess wrongdoings when they happen. Avoiding pain is a poor motivation for harboring sins and anger. There will always be pain when sin is involved. The question is, how much pain are we willing to tolerate?

Think about it like this..... You know discomfort is in your future, but you prolong the inevitable. Worse than that, you risk permanent damage to your body, greater expense, and a longer recovery. Just like a ship's captain makes innumerable, minute corrections with the wheel to keep his vessel on course, so a regular habit of confession and forgiveness helps a marriage move straight ahead.

Psalm 51 deals with David's gross sins of adultery and murder, and so we may find it difficult to relate in the ordinary struggles of our lives. But the same principals apply.

Have you read Song of Solomon this week?  If not, take time to at least read the text of chapter 2 before class this week.

We have 2 texts from both Testaments to discuss this week.

Pray for one another and remember those that have asked for specific prayers this week.

God Bless !!!  See you Sunday.

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